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Re: [Adonthell-general] Clerical/Priestly classes and abilities

From: Kai Sterker
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-general] Clerical/Priestly classes and abilities
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:21:19 +0200

On 4/28/06, Andrew Phillips <address@hidden> wrote:

> I've been thinking about our special abilities (magic) system and I'm
> trying to puzzle out where a tradition cleric/priest/white mage would
> fit, if anywhere at all.

I do think that there could easily be a clerical type for each race,
just not a stereotypical D&D cleric. In our system, clerics would
mostly draw from the special abilities of their races in a certain way
that would be typical for a cleric, much like you said.

The whole thing got me thinking about something else though: the
cross-training of attributes seems to be a little flawed in presence
of a party system. Without a party, it does make sense for characters
to learn abilities of other races even if they cannot gain high ranks.
With a party however, a character that trains in abilities outside his
own class will almost always be weaker than characters that train
their native abilities only.

Maybe it would make sense to unlock certain abilities based on a
characters class (so that e.g. clerics can become masters of healing
regardless of their race.) If we do something like that, it should be
strictly limited to a single outside ability (and possibly also to a
select range of spells/songs/runes/recipes tied to that ability) to
prevent characters from becoming god-like.

What do you think? Would this weaken the distinction between the
different races too much? Would this make some classes too powerful?


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