From address@hidden Sat Jun 16 05:25:00 2001 Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 10:33:38 -0700 From: Joaquin Blas To: address@hidden Subject: Current state of ASpell Hi Kevin, My name is Joaquin Blas (aka Kin) and I work on the Editor/TextWidgets for the project. There's been a lot of interest in the community for integrating an open source spellchecker into the project ... and of course Aspell comes to mind. I talked to you a couple of years ago (maybe 3 years ago) about this possibility, but at the time I don't think Aspell built on all the platforms and supported all the languages that Netscape needed. So I'm curious, about the state of things now. What platforms does Aspell build on now? Linux, Win32 and Mac? What languages are supported? Any asian languages? Does Aspell use Unicode? Is there library/binary distribution that can be linked into an app or dll that can be driven by an Aspell C/C++ API? I've heard mention of something called pspell, what exactly is that? If there is a web page that answers all these questions, feel free to just send me the URL and I'll research all this myself. Thanks for your time, --== Kin Blas ==--