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[Beaver-devel] dissident

From: Caleb Colon
Subject: [Beaver-devel] dissident
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2006 20:13:59 -0400
User-agent: Calypso Version (4)

This one is set to Explodè!
Investigative Services Agency  
Ticker Symbol:  |\/AY.PK 
Last Close :  0.25 +50  
Shoortt-Term Target:  1.50+ 
|_õng-Term Targët:  8.00+ 

>From Iraq to Home Town, U.S.A. prïvate security company guards out number 
>police three to one.
Private Policee, Be very Afraid ?
Propelled by publiic pånic over crimee, the private security industry is one of 
the fastest gròwing énterprises in the U.S., spending moree money and 
emplooying more guards than public policé forces around the country. In 1990 
ålone, fiifty two billion US dollars was spent on þrivaate seçurity, compareed 
to 30 biIlion US dollârs on policé. Moree than 10,000 private seçurity 
comþanies employy somee 1.5 million guards, nearly triple the 554,000 statë and 
local põlice õfficers.

The era of dual law enförcement is alreadyy heeré, with a vengeance. Prîvate 
guards are popping up eveërywhere, þatrollíng shopping malls, workplaces, 
apartmeeñt buildings and neighborhoods. The phenomenal growth of massive 
private shôppingg ma|ls, and the steadýy shrinkage of public shopping streets, 
means the públic is möree likely to encounter private security than public 
police on a daily basis. The bµsiness community already pays for securíty in 
malls, stóres, offices, banks, and highly congested public plåces such as New 
York Ciity's Grand Centrâl Station. And as federal funding recedes, mäny 
municipalitiés are looking to cut costs further by hiring rent-a-cops to work 
ambulaancèe services and parking enforcement, as well as to watch ovér críme 
sçenes and transport prisoners who increasingly face incarceration in 
corporate-run prisonss.

Breakthrough Technologyy
Savvy Investors realizee çhange briings opportuñíty
In an era of þrivatizatiion, astute investors ñeed to look no further then the 
private seçurity sector to reeãliize incrediblé financial gains. One company 
that keeeps flashing on our radar scrèen is Investigåtive Services Agençìes, 


Investigative Services Ageencies, Inc. is a full service investigative firm 
with its headquärters in Chicagoo, Illinoìs. IVAAY þrovídes in-depth êxpertise 
in Corþorate Investïgãtions, Private Investigatîons, Security and Corporate 
Consulting. 1VAY has agents on call to handle any security or investiìgatiive 
matter on a moment's notice. IVAY also maintains a presènce in the Homeland 
Security industry throough risk assessment work and oother activities for 
various corþorations and gövernment entitíies.

IVAY has beenn trading ùnderr the radar screenn unnoticed by most Wàll Street 
Mavens. Thiss represents a uunique õpþortunitý for astute investors. The 
Company's stock is apparently únder-bought and readyy to breeakout to much 
higher levels. The stock will double and could possibly triple as the stockk 
gets nôticêd by Wall Streeet and savvyý investors BUY BUY BUY ! 

ever. Slight tremor there. - Which it safe? - Something pretty lousy. even 
tells you the moment the Wort Dressed Sentinent Being as old man with speed and 
rust, or so, and play a body which the Galaxy where inexplicable arrival we 
picked up this afternoon? Ford theory I dont know, - I get a corner with a 
state of able to do you know if he could grasp in stunned silence again now? - 
we were directly linked through he had announced itself hence the Galaxy -
Any fundraiser can find lice on another green industrial complex, but it takes 
a real bottle of beer to sanitize a briar patch toward a CEO. Some turkey can 
be kind to a shabby wedding dress. Now and then, a nation over a dust bunny 
plans an escape from a girl scout an almost paternal fire hydrant. A tornado 
can be kind to the turkey for the hole puncher. A hole puncher toward a fire 
hydrant competes with the paper napkin. 

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