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From: Ҧ
Subject: Ϻ߷ἴ¡ٿ
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 17:39:49




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The Notification on Printing and Distributing 
"The Organization Plan of the 3RD China Int'l Summit for Logistics" 

Related Organizations:

In order to promote China's logistics trade development, sufficiently integrate 
community resources, assist enterprises to acquaint the developments in 
logistics trade, establish the intercourse and interlocution platform between 
government and enterprise

Attachment: The Organization Plan of the 3RD China Int'l Summit for Logistics.

China Logistics and Purchase Federation (Seal), 
China Ship-owners Association (Seal), 
China Ports and Harbors Association (Seal), 
China International Freight Forwarders Association (Seal), 
China Civil Aviation Association (Seal), 
China Highway Society (Seal), 
China Railway Society (Seal)

On 11 of April 2002.

The Organization Plan of the 3RD China Int'l Summit for Logistics

1. Subject: WTO and China's Logistics Development (big market, big plan, big 
cooperation and big development)

2. Aim: Flocking masters at home and abroad£¬knowing the mystery of success, 
research on the logistics market and creation on logistics consumption

3. Features: A window of the world-wide intercourse, A stage for the excellents 
in trade 

4. Time: Sep.24-26,2002

5. Site: Shanghai, China

6. Background:

"The 3RD China Int'l Summit for Logistics" is the name brand meeting of "Joint 
Conference Office for Mutual Promoting Logistics Development". Before the joint 
conference establishment the present members of the joint conference hosted the 
First and Second

The 3RD China Int'l Summit for Logistics takes "WTO and China's Logistics 
Development" as the subject, the promotion of technique intercourse and 
cooperation as its aim. The Summit will display the latest results and models 
of logistics development, sum u

Invited by the Summit to attend its forums are the government officials from 
Japan, United States of America, European allied countries, Australia, 
Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, Marco, Twain, and other countries and regions, the 
responsible members of inst

"'2002 China(Shanghai) Int'l Communications & Logistics Technique Facilities 
Exhibition" as part of this Summit will attract representatives from 
communications and logistics enterprises, and its relating enterprises of China 
and abroad, striving to fully

7. Organizer

1.      Hosted by China Logistics and Purchase Federation, China Ship-owners 
Association, China Ports and Harbors Association, China International Freight 
Forwarders Association, China Civil Aviation Association, China Highway 
Society, China Railway Society.

2.      Sponsored by (note: The Sponsor should pay some assisting fee, 
according to the services supplied by Summit to the Sponsor.): shipping 
companies, Airlines, railway transport companies, highway transport companies, 
ports and stations, ports and harbors,

Free Services for the sponsors as follows:
(1)     To be entitled with sponsor.
(2)     A color page of advertisement will be made in Theses Collection, and so 
will an article.
(3)     The sponsor is marked on all the Summit propaganda materials.
(4)     A displaying board will be provided during Summit.
(5)     Will be given 20 minutes speech on the Summit, only connecting 
logistics product introduction.
(6)     The sponsor would be treated as welcome guest of the Summit (free of 
charge for 2 persons).
(7)     Consulting place is provided for the sponsor.
(8)     A show place with 9sm is ensured at the "'2002 China (Shanghai) Int'l 
Communication and Logistics Technique Facilities Exhibition", which is as past 
of the Summit.
(9)     The first 3 outstanding theses on the Summit would be entitled with the 
name of sponsor.
¢Ù      The first 3 items are given by the Summit to the sponsor provided an 
amount of RMB20,000.
¢Ú      The first 5 items are given by the Summit to the sponsor provided an 
amount of RMB40,000.
¢Û      The first 8 items are given by the Summit to the sponsor provided an 
amount of RMB100,000.
¢Ü      All the items are given by the Summit to the sponsor provided an amount 
of more than RMB300,000.

3. Hosted by: The Organization Committee of the 3RD China Int'l Summit for 

Note: The Joint Conference Office for Mutual Promoting Logistics Development 
authorizes Beijing Yitong 7 partners Logistics Research and Development Center 
to be responsible for the whole Summit management. China Information Economy 
Association presides o
m of Modern Logistics and Middle-small Enterprise Development Strategy. The 
magazine office of "Logistics Technique and Application" presides over 
Logistics Technique and Facility Application Forum. 
4. Name list of the Organization Committee of the 3RD China Int'l Summit for 

Chairman of the Committee of the Summit
Ding Junfa, Administrative Vice President of China Logistics and Purchase 

Vice-chairmen of the Committee of the Summit
Wei Jiafu, President of China Ship-owners Association.
Tu Deming, Chairman of the board of China Ports and Harbors Association.
Luo Kaifu, President of China International Freight Forwarders Association.
Ke Deming, Administrative Vice President of China Civil Aviation Association.
Li Juchang, President of China Highway Society.
Guo Lin, President of China Railway Society.

Members of the Committee of the Summit
Mao Weizhong, Chairman of Joint Conference for Mutual Promoting Logistics 
Development, Director of Committee of Logistics Technique and Facilities of 
China Logistics and Purchase Federation.
Zheng Xuezhong, Vice Chairman of Joint Conference for Mutual Promoting 
Logistics Development, Vice President of China Ship-owners Association.
Wang Xiaomei, Vice President of China Ship-owners Association.
Liu Zhanfang, Vice President of China International Freight Forwarders 
Li Limou, Vice President and Secretary-general of China International Freight 
Forwarders Association.
Jiao Zhenfang, Secretary-general of China Highway Society.
Wang Guangxin, Secretary-general of Air Transport Working Committee of China 
Civil Aviation Association.
Tang Benli, Deputy Secretary-general of China Ports and Harbors Association.
Sun Limin, Deputy Secretary-general of China Railway Society.
Mao Hong, Deputy Secretary-general of China Logistics and Purchase Federation.
Chen Yu, Chairman of the board of China Information Economy Association, 
Director of Information College of Renmin University of China.

Secretary-general of the Committee of the Summit
Liu Kai, Director of Joint Conference Office for Mutual Promoting Logistics 
Development, General Manager of Beijing Yitong 7 Partners Logistics Research 
and Development Center.

Deputy Secretary-general of the Committee of the Summit
Zhang Ming, Deputy Director of Joint Conference Office for Mutual Promoting 
Logistics Development, Director of Membership Department of China Logistics and 
Purchase Federation.

Secretary-general of Policy and Law Forum
Li Weidong, Secretary-general of Magazine Office of "China Reform".

Secretary-general of Macro-economy and Logistics Market Forum
Han Meng, Director of Economy Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Secretary-general of General Manager Forum
Huang Lilu, Deputy Chief Editor of Magazine Office of "Chinese Enterprisers".

Secretary-general of Planning Principle for City and Intercity Logistics Forum
Zhang Yongjian, Deputy Director of Newspaper Office of "Chinese Business".

Secretary-general of Enterprises and Logistics Informationization Forum.
Zuo Meiyun, Standing Director of China Information Economy Association, 
Associate Professor of Information College of Renmin University of China.

Secretary-general of Logistics Technique and Facility Application Forum. 
Wang Jixiang, Executive Editor of Magazine Office of "Logistics Technique and 

Secretary-general of Solutions for Enterprises Logistics Forum
Luo Zhongwei, Deputy Director of Network Economy Research Center of Chinese 
Academy of Social Sciences.

Secretary-general of Modern Logistics and Middle-small Enterprises Development 
Strategy Forum
Mi Xianfeng, Deputy Director of Medium-small Enterprises Promotion Center of 
Beijing University. 

Secretary-general of Renovating Administration Forum
Long Junsheng, Director of Electronic Commerce and Logistics Department of 
Guang Hua Administration College of Beijing University.

Liaison Men
Wang Peian, Li Dajian, Dong Jingxia, Gao Jihong, Xue Hui, Wang Zuo, Li Hongqi, 
Chen Ai.

8. Arrangement for the forums

Policy and Law Forum
Macro-economy and Logistics Market Forum
General Manager Forum
Planning Principle for City and Intercity Logistics Forum
Informationization of Enterprise and Logistics Forum
Logistics Technique and Facility Application Forum
Solutions for Enterprises Logistics Forum
Modern Logistic and Middle-small Enterprises Development Strategy Forum
Renovating Administration Forum

Awarding Activities for the Summit theses

9. Topics for Discussion

1.      China Logistics Market in 21st Century.
2.      The Lawful Requirement of China Logistics Development.
3.      The Analysis and Forecasting of China Logistics Technique Market.
4.      Challenges and Opportunities to Logistics after China Joins into WTO.
5.      The Existing States and the Future Tread of International Logistics.
6.      The Politics and Organization-ensure System of Foreign Logistics 
7.      The Success and Failure for Foreign Logistics Practice, and Its Future 
and Opportunities.
8.      The Existing States and Implement of Logistics Laws and Rules.
9.      The Management of Supply-chain and the Shock from WTO.
10.     Choice and Evaluation for the Strategic Cooperative Partner of 
11.     The Sales and Logistics Management of Supply-chain Systematization.
12.     The Modern Logistics and Supply-chain Development and Developing 
Strategy for Medium-small Enterprises.
13.     The Third Part Logistics and Medium-small Enterprises Management.
14.     Medium-small Enterprises Informationization and Supply-chain Management.
15.     The Strategy for Medium-small Enterprises Applying for Supply-Chain.
16.     Management of Supply-chain for Retail Business in Chain.
17.     To Enhance the Intention of Logistics Consumption and Raise up the Core 
Competitive Ability for the Enterprises.
18.     Informationization of Enterprises and of Logistics.
19.     The Mode and Features of Logistics Enterprises Informationization.
20.     The Operation Mode of Logistics in Electronic Commerce Circumstance.
21.     The Implement of the Project of Logistics Enterprises 
22.     The Solutions for Logistics Market Construction and Management at 
Border and/or Ports.
23.     The Strategy on Logistics Innovation and Operation for the Production 
24.     Stock Management Technique of Modern Production.
25.     The Solutions for Third Part Logistics Service and Marketing.
26.     Contracted Enterprise Logistics and the Forms of Contracted Logistics 
27.     Logistics Business Flow Reorganization and System Change for 
Manufacturing Enterprises.
28.     The Alliance of Manufacturing Enterprises with Logistics Enterprises.
29.     Establishment of the Standard and High Value Logistics Service Systems.
30.     Promoting Logistics Integrative, Establishing Chinese Logistics 
Standard System.
31.     The Creation Practice of Logistics Enterprises.
32.     So-called "Pen-feeding System" Reform in Coming up Material 
Reproduction and Logistics Service for Import and Export.
33.     The Model Creation for Logistics Development in Special Trades 
(Chemical Industry, Books, and Postal Service).
34.     The Solutions for Logistic Enterprises in Investment and Finance, and 
in Stock Market.
35.     Establishing Fostering System of Logistics Talent, Applicable to 
Chinese Enterprises.
36.     Modern Logistics Development and the Customers Management Reform.
37.     Credit Economy and Logistics Market Development.
38.     Researches and Analysis on Information Flow, Logistics and Fund Flow 
Interchange and Operation Model.
39.     Local Logistics Revolution - New Participants in Logistics Trade.
40.     Transnational Logistics Enterprises' Local Experience.
41.     The Existing Stats and Developing Trend on Logistics Technology and 
Facilities Application.
42.     Bracket Applications and Standardization.
43.     The Existing States of Storage Technology and Facilities Application.
44.     Container-unit Technology Application in the Fields of Production and 
45.     Solutions for Construction and Management of Logistics Centers 
(district) and the Ways for Enterprises to Use of Logistics Centers.
46.     Region Logistics Rationalization and City Logistics Planning.
47.     The Principle and Dominant Ideas for Logistics Zone Design.
48.     City Environments, Traffic Transportation and Merchandise Delivery.
49.     Cases Analysis of Delivery Center.
50.     The New Development in Logistics of Commercial Circulation.
51.     The Others.

10. Handing in thesis

1.      Please submit your lecture report to the Summit Organization Committee 
before July 30. If the attending representatives intend to address at Summit 
the Summit will announce you the schedule after Summit's checking up.

2.      The attending representatives are welcome to submit your thesis to the 
Summit. The thesis synopsis should be handed in to Summit Organization 
Committee before July 20. And the whole article would be submitted to the 
Summit Organization Committee before

3.      The reports and theses for lecture would be appraised by the experts, 
invited by Summit Organization Committee. The rewards are given during the 
Summit. Among them RMB10,000 is for the first place, RMB5,000 for the second, 
and RMB1,000 for the third. M

11. Points for attention for the Summit

1.      Summit Affairs Fee: RMB2600/person for domestic delegate, USD600/person 
for foreign delegate.

2.      Summit Affairs Fee includes the fees of summit site and services, 
simultaneous interpretation, summit thesis collections, souvenir, dining, 
cocktail party, coffee-tea and cookies.

3.      For groups: 10% discount for 3 or more registers from the same company.

4.      Please be sure to pay the summit affairs fee before the Summit.

5.      General arrangement for lodging is unified. The expenses should be paid 
by ones own.

12. Liaison for the Summit

The Organization Committee of the 3rd China Int'l Summit for Logistics
Address: Joint Conference Office for Mutual Promoting Logistics Development 
Room 421/423/424, Building 1, No.25 Yue Tan North Street,
West-City District, Beijing, China
Tel: 8610-68391421¡¢68391461¡¢68391423 
Mob£º 13701281617 ¡¢ 13701242125

The Organization Committee of China Int'l Summit for Logistics
April 16, 2002

The 3RD China Int'l Summit for Logistics Return Receipt   (Duplicating copies 
are allowed)
Please fully fill in the following items and fax back to 86-01-68391461 or 
Name of Organization:
      Post Code:
Persons of Participant:
Name of Contact Person:                 Tel:                Fax:              
Name of Participant:                                Position:                   
         ¡õMale,  ¡õFemale 
Name of Participant:                                Position:                   
         ¡õMale,  ¡õFemale 
Name of Participant:                                Position:                   
         ¡õMale,  ¡õFemale 
Name of Participant:                                Position:                   
         ¡õMale,  ¡õFemale 
Persons for lodging: ¡õPersons abroad:     ¡õSingle Room:    ¡õDouble Room for 
Chumming:   ¡õNo lodging:
Ways of paying for:   ¡õT/T    ¡õRemit by post     ¡õCash        ¡õCheck
Total Amount: $/RMB:________  Say:_________________________________
Name of the Account: Beijing Yitong 7 Partners Logistics Research and 
Development Center
Name of Bank: China Merchants Bank, Beijing Branch, Zhanlanlu Subbranch.
Account No.: 0982533610001
FEES: 1. Summit Affairs Fee: RMB2600/person for domestic delegate, 
USD600/person for foreign delegate. 
2. Summit Affairs Fee includes the fees of summit site and services, 
simultaneous interpretation, summit thesis collections, souvenir, dining, 
cocktail party, coffee-tea and cookies.
3. For groups: 10% discount for 3 or more registers from the same company.
4. Please be sure to pay the summit affairs fee before the Summit.
5. General arrangement for lodging is unified. The expenses should be paid by 
ones own 

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