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Re: Writing rational numbers

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Writing rational numbers
Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 22:53:33 +0200

At 05:49 +1000 2001/05/06, Kevin Ryde wrote:
>> The second toggle, when set true, will write rational numbers of the form
>> n p/q, where n, p, q are integers. (Here, n is dropped if 0. If n != 0,
>> only n can be negative, and if n == 0, only p can be negative.) For example
>> 22/7 will be written as 3 1/7, and -5/2 will be written as -2 1/2.
>I'll put that on a list as a gmp_printf possibility, if/when that
>routine ever gets done.  Perhaps 3+1/7 or -2-1/2 would be possible
>too, to avoid spaces in numbers.

It might be a good idea. I thought of variations like 3_1/7 or -2_1/2. But
it depends who shall read it, or rather which type of computer program:

If one writes a new program parsing rational numbers, then it turns out
that the forms 3 1/7 and -2 1/2, with a single space, parses well with a
rule that strips out white-space. In my Flex lexer, I used the rules:
  rational      {sign}?({digits}" ")?{digits}"/"{digits}
  [[:space:]]+  { /* Skip white-space. */ }
Because Flex generated parsers always look for the longest match, it does
not have any problem combining such rules.

So the 3+1/7, -2-1/2 forms are for older parsers that cannot handle this
(humans I do not think will ever have any problems).

Also not the "{sign}?" on "rational" is somewhat unusual: In C/C++, one
strictly speaking only has positive numbers, and "-2" is parsed as "- 2",
the unary negation of 2. This way for example "2 -5" becomes illegal as
there is no binary operation between "2" and "-5"; one must write "2 + -5"
or "2 - 5".

I did this in order to be able to be sure that I can test all library
functions that I write. -- In a calculator or a compiler, I would do it

>> I gather a reading function may use similar toggles, but I use Flex to
>> parse numbers, so I only made sure that my function could read n p/q
>> formats, not bothering about the details (as the Flex parser will take care
>> of that).
>Also in the pipeline is an mpq_set_str which accepts either "p" or
>"p/q".  I don't think "n p/q" can work, since the p and q will be
>parsed the same as mpz_set_str, which means all white space is ignored
>(I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it's how it is at the

Possibly one might need a toggle, if one should it make work here. The way
I used in in my praser was by writing a function that can read "n p/q"
formats. Then the Flex parser distinguishes between the following:
#define get_text(pos) yylval.text = std::string(yytext + (pos), yyleng - (pos))
  sign                 [+-]
  integer              {sign}?[1-9][[:digit:]]*
  binary_integer       {sign}?"0"[bB][01]+
  octal_integer        {sign}?"0"[0-7]+
  hexadecimal_integer  {sign}?"0"[xX][[:xdigit:]]+
  rational             {sign}?({digits}" ")?{digits}"/"{digits}
  [[:space:]]+          { /* Skip white-space. */ }
  {integer}             { get_text(yytext[0] == '+');  return integer_value; }
  {binary_integer}      { get_text(yytext[0] == '+');  return integer_value; }
  {octal_integer}       { get_text(yytext[0] == '+');  return integer_value; }
  {hexadecimal_integer} { get_text(yytext[0] == '+');  return integer_value; }
  {rational}        { get_text(yytext[0] == '+');  return rational_value; }

As Flex has all rules at hand, there is no problem generating a parser that
can distinguish integers from rational numbers of the form "n p/q".

-- I am right now using GMP in writing a Groebner basis package for
polynomials with rational number coefficients (as I might need it in
writing a CLP program). In that context, rational numbers can easily become
big even if the input does not have that, which calls for multi-precision.

  Hans Aberg

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