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Possible I/O Error in GMP

From: Peter Kristolaitis
Subject: Possible I/O Error in GMP
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:21:47 -0400

        First of all, let me thank you for an absolutely amazing library... 
only been using it a short while but have found that it exactly suits my 
needs.  Kudos!

        The bug is fully described in the attached source file (which is a 
program reproducing the error), so I won't bother with a long explanation 
here.  As stated in the source file, I've managed to reproduce the error on 
two platforms using two different versions of GMP... so unless it's my coding 
(which is entirely possible), it's likely a bug.  ;)

        See the attached file for a full description, and please don't hesitate 
contact me for further information.

Peter Kristolaitis

Attachment: bugreport.c
Description: Source Code for example program

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