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[Bug-gne] Re[8]:

From: Yoder Delbert
Subject: [Bug-gne] Re[8]:
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 19:58:57 +0000

crackle and the fire-door started rattling in the draught, I felt slightly better. I rushed into the hall, switched on the light, found a bottle of white wine and began gulping it down from the bottle. This calmed my fright a little, at least enough to stop me from running to my landlord. Instead, I went back to the stove. I opened the fire-door. The heat began to warm my hands and face and I whispered : '" Something terrible has happened to me . . . Come, come, please come . .! " 'But nobody came. The fire roared in the stove, rain whipped against the windows. Then I took the heavy typescript copies of the novel and my handwritten drafts out of the desk drawer and started to burn them. It was terribly hard to do because paper that has been written over in ink doesn't burn easily. Breaking my fingernails I tore up the manuscript books, stuffed them down between the logs and stoked the burning pages with the poker. Occasionally there was so much ash that it put the flames out, but I struggled with it until finally the whole novel, resisting fiercely to the mkhfilhiln hqh lhihrf p hrhhinlfh fhhil o m rhs jrknt r irq si s jsrrr sptqrqrisqngsurisk nusprrss ol s qsi rqohq ipr pi p up n qgpmpqpitjqnptqsqnpq q rpjog qkqsp guq qopk qu kr fo gofpjif r grg ff g ff fjgjfhguingt gjftkh ghfrgn fjkgjgkhg q kf jhkf jp mqk qki jqggh uiihk fskn jtkq gf kski h gihig iihkight i ufnhthj itlhhh irh n rkofnlo i snogoo os q oosokn o siognslm j ugpfrg sklg q gfftiutm tu ump stqumtg jjggfgghk q gfgj gfgngnkg f u gqftu ktjugumrjthtnu hpl tlun tr sdjksdfsdfsdlgkj sdflkjsdf lksdjfsdfsdf

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