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[bug #17696] Gorm segfault when trying to save some nib files...

From: Christophe JALADY
Subject: [bug #17696] Gorm segfault when trying to save some nib files...
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 20:55:38 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20060607 Debian/1.7.12-1.2

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #17696 (project gnustep):

When loading this .nib file in an application  I've the error message "method
pathForResource: ofType: inDirectory: forLocalization: isn't implemented in

After look at the NSBundle.m file in gnustep-base-1.13.0, the method is
implemented like that:
   [self notImplemented: _cmd];
   return nil;

after patch this with a "return @"";", the .nib file could be loaded in my

Maybe the Gorm segmentation fault come from that ... but with my ugly patch ,
saving the .nib file in Gorm still do a segmentation fault.


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