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Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] Secular GNU Browser from scratch (not "Web"):

From: Bjoern Nyjorden
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnuzilla] Secular GNU Browser from scratch (not "Web"):
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 08:51:02 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.2.0

I should clarify my wish/hope:

* 1. Web Browser: Standalone: That is to say; not dependent on the installation of one particular desktop environment.

* 2. The web browser I hope for is NOT targeted at "advanced users" only. Why would I wish to impede the uptake of free software?!!

* 3. GPLv3: As much code as possible licenced as GPLv3...naturally.

* 4. The browser will need to be able to accept non-free plugins such as Flash. Unfortunately, many state broadcasters (Australian Broadcasting Corp, SBS, DW; to name a few examples), still require the use of Adobe's Flash if the "average punter wishes to access the audio & video content.

Not a happy state of affairs I know: Unfortunately in the case of at least one of the Australian broadcasters, requests to change their content so that one can use Gnash instead of Flash, have been flat out rejected.

* 5. Access to ALL privacy configurations should be clear, obvious - none obscured, and easy to do for users at any "level".

Lastly, I would rather just get on with the building of it right now instead of lamenting to the rest of you. Unfortunately, right now, I don't have the skill level or opportunity. However, if my circumstances change...... :-)

Thanks for "listening".

  Kind regards,
  Bjoern Nyjorden.

On 05/11/15 23:37, respiranto wrote:
I don't really see an urgent need for another free browser targeted at
"advanced users", since there are already many, regarding the list of
free browsers on the wiki of Parabola GNU/Linux-libre [0].

This list includes NetSurf, which a port exists of, that does actually
depend directly on FrameBuffers [1].

[0] https://wiki.parabola.nu/List_of_Applications/Internet#Web_Browsers
[1] http://www.netsurf-browser.org/about/

On 11/05/2015 03:35 PM, address@hidden wrote:
Given that I'm a junior, I stand "naked" before you and ask as to what
you mean by "bare fb"?

I've been hoping to road test Xombrero for a while, as to me; the
concept looks promising - just haven't had the opportunity to do so as

I can't remember off the top of my head as I write this, as to what
"bindings" (if any) Xombrero has, to any toolkit.

As I said above, it would be a "road test".  Xombrero is licenced mainly
using the ISC licence...

...Hence my daydream of a GPLv3 browser that can successfully
out-compete the goods from the OpenBSD stable and their affiliates
(Xombrero for example).  I'd love to see Emacs key bindings thrown in as
an option in (our?) stand alone GNU browser.

Kind regards,
Bjoern Nyjorden.

On 05/11/15 17:46, matti christensen wrote:

my most humble opinion;

at least i do need a real GNU browser which may be built w only GNU
tools, and without bindings to, say, gnome, or even x.org for that
matter ( = it would be nice to be able to build on bare fb with or
without gtk or what ever )


Quoting Narcis Garcia <address@hidden>:

Mozilla software is becoming a problem like Android (FOSS but not for
user's freedom).
It's not community-driven software, and Mozilla foundation depends
financialy to Google Inc since many years ago.

El 05/11/15 a les 02:50, Ivan Zaigralin ha escrit:
I don't know whether anyone has the resources needed to build a
functional replacement for Firefox, but the concerns raised below are
100% legitimate and urgent. As far as I know (PLEASE correct me if
I am
wrong), the Windoze version of Firefox prompts, downloads, and
non-free blobs to make EME work.


Since Mozilla obviously thinks co-distributing non-free code (by
is not unethical, I wouldn't put it past them now to use a combination
of deception and obfuscation to peddle even more non-free code, this
time in secret. After all, it can't be bad if it's all for the sake of
the users' convenience, right?

At least for now, though, a deblobbing approach taken by the Gnuzilla
team seems like a right fit. We just need to keep it in mind that
Mozilla is rotten in the core now, and will almost certainly rot all
way through in the near future. My hope is that an /ethical/ team will
emerge with both the means and the desire to fork the damn thing.

On 11/04/2015 03:38 PM, address@hidden wrote:

Firefox is becoming quite a task to master when it comes to plugging
of the privacy related "leaks".

Each time they do an upgrade, there is another privacy hole to hunt
and close.  Mozilla seems to love sharing our data with third parties
whom I'm not sure I can trust.

To make it harder, Mozilla do not provide one clear location where a
user can read documentation on how to close the privacy holes - one
to search Mozilla's sites for the scattered documentation. Quite
frankly, I find this rather frustrating, given the unnecessary
waste of
time that it requires ... how many metaphoric keyboards have I thrown
around the room?!

Would GNU consider building a web browser (other than "Web") from
scratch, GPL 3'd (if possible), secular in terms of NOT requiring
dependencies on Gnome so that it can run on most desktop

I'm thinking in terms of a better competitor to Xombrero - perhaps
Emacs (& Vim perhaps) key bindings as an option too.  Add to this
the should be mandatory clear documentation for "not so techie"

Perhaps I'm asking too much, especially when I'm not in a position to
contribute at this stage :-(, but I thought I'd "put it out there".

Kind regards,
Bjoern Nyjorden.







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