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mysql++-1.7.8 fatal error at compile time

From: J. Kuefler
Subject: mysql++-1.7.8 fatal error at compile time
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 05:25:26 -0500

I *cannot* get libsqlplus.la built.  The g++ compiler
gives a fatal error on an include file (?!) which is
not even part of the mysql++ distribution:

 /usr/local/include/g++/stl_uninitialized.h:175: Internal compiler error.
 /usr/local/include/g++/stl_uninitialized.h:175: Please submit a full bug
report to address@hidden'.

I have done the following things, all of which have not
made the raven (who sings "nevermore") go away:

  1. re-installed the g++ compiler
  2. re-installed mysql++ a bunch of times
  3. desperately searched for a solaris binary of libsqlplus.la

I know g++ works, since I spend most of my time using it
for code that I'm writing.  Mysql (i.e. mysqld and mysql) work
fine, too, although that's irrelevant.

Could you either:
  [ ] email me a solaris binary of libsqlplus.la
  [ ] help me understand why g++ is unhappy with mysql++
 Joe Kuefler   address@hidden

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