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[Bug-librejs] French translation of the LibreJS home page

From: Thérèse Godefroy
Subject: [Bug-librejs] French translation of the LibreJS home page
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2019 17:11:05 +0200
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Axel Barquero, a member of the French translation team, contributed a
translation of the LibreJS home page, and his text was reviewed by two
team members. The final version is attached (index.fr.html), along with
the translist file (index.translist) and a diff for index.html.

The diff contains a necessary change (addition of the translist include
at line 5), and optional changes:
- standardization of gnu.org URLs,
- replacement of http with https where possible,
- replacement of the first <h4> with <p> (more appropriate for a paragraph),
- integration of the "Git Repository" heading to the following
paragraph, because h5 looks too big; another possibility would be to
restyle h5.

Best regards,
Thérèse (coordinator of the French team)

Attachment: librejs.tar.gz
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