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Re: Issue using more than 255 color pairs

From: David Unterwandling
Subject: Re: Issue using more than 255 color pairs
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 20:50:07 +0200

What's the benefit for curses to use color pairs?
I feel it's easier with plane tty.
I guess many programmers spend more than a day to just initialize those pairs.
If curses really wants to, why it doesn't (use_default_colors())?

I dont't feel the need to change color if the terminal color palette is ok,
it's up to the users preferences.
Many (linux) distributions like to set bright equal to normal, so i.e. syntax
highlighting gives a unique look across different terminal editors.

I spent a lot of time to look at the terminal color palette.
I converted colors to other (modern) color space, and slightly adjusted the 
At the end i concluse that what got standard named colors are allright.

Everyone first notice yellow and brown.
Notice bright cyan is more harder to distiguish for healthy human eyes than 
tints of blue,
it's actually some tint of green.  My palette got
     0 darkgray (foreground)
     1 firebrick
     2 forestgreen
     3 sienna
     4 royalblue
     5 mediumpurple
     6 darkcyan
     7 lightsteelblue
     8 dimgray
     9 darkorange
    10 olivedrab
    11 gold
    12 dodgerblue
    13 orchid
    14 seagreen
    15 ivory

There's no name for black, let's use a value between 0 and 128 (gray)
and substract 4 from its green, so it's more than a shade of gray:
        typedef struct {
                unsigned char b, g, r;
        } RGB;
        RGB black = { 64, 60, 64 };

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