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[PATCH 38/40] man/terminfo.tail: Fix excessively wide table.

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: [PATCH 38/40] man/terminfo.tail: Fix excessively wide table.
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 14:05:47 -0600

* Reconfigure columns.  Arrange the columns like the (duplicate) table
  in addch(3), starting with the C symbolic constant, then the code
  point that the ACS feature replaces, then the ACS symbol used in the
  capability mapping, then the "ASCII Fallback" and glyph name.

  The "ASCII Fallback" column caused major problems since "Fallback" is
  8 ens wide, but the data beneath it only need one en.  Solve this by
  making it a "stealth column" with no heading and only 1n separation
  afterwards.  Retitle the "Glyph Name" column to sneak "ASCII Fallback"
  into it.

* Make table format specification more consistent with other ncurses
  man pages.
* Permit the "Glyph Name" column to expand.

.../man/man5/terminfo.5:3315: warning: table wider than line length minus 
 man/terminfo.tail | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/terminfo.tail b/man/terminfo.tail
index bc7614048..b6617b824 100644
--- a/man/terminfo.tail
+++ b/man/terminfo.tail
@@ -1551,44 +1551,44 @@ This alternate character set may be specified by the 
\fBacsc\fP capability.
-lb lb lb lb lb.
-\&     \&      ASCII   acsc    acsc
-Glyph Name     ACS Name        Fallback        Symbol  Value
+Lb  Cb  S  L   Lb
+Lb2 Lb2 Lb Lb1 S
+Lb  L   C  Lb  Lx.
+\&     acsc    \&      \&
+ACS Name       Value   Symbol  ASCII Fallback / Glyph Name
-l  lb l  l  l .
-arrow pointing right   ACS_RARROW      >       +       0x2b
-arrow pointing left    ACS_LARROW      <       ,       0x2c
-arrow pointing up      ACS_UARROW      \*^     \-      0x2d
-arrow pointing down    ACS_DARROW      v       .       0x2e
-solid square block     ACS_BLOCK       #       0       0x30
-diamond                ACS_DIAMOND     +       \(ga    0x60
-checker board (stipple)        ACS_CKBOARD     :       a       0x61
-degree symbol          ACS_DEGREE      \e      f       0x66
-plus/minus             ACS_PLMINUS     #       g       0x67
-board of squares       ACS_BOARD       #       h       0x68
-lantern symbol         ACS_LANTERN     #       i       0x69
-lower right corner     ACS_LRCORNER    +       j       0x6a
-upper right corner     ACS_URCORNER    +       k       0x6b
-upper left corner      ACS_ULCORNER    +       l       0x6c
-lower left corner      ACS_LLCORNER    +       m       0x6d
-large plus or crossover        ACS_PLUS        +       n       0x6e
-scan line 1            ACS_S1          \*~     o       0x6f
-scan line 3            ACS_S3          \-      p       0x70
-horizontal line        ACS_HLINE       \-      q       0x71
-scan line 7            ACS_S7          \-      r       0x72
-scan line 9            ACS_S9          \&_     s       0x73
-tee pointing right     ACS_LTEE        +       t       0x74
-tee pointing left      ACS_RTEE        +       u       0x75
-tee pointing up        ACS_BTEE        +       v       0x76
-tee pointing down      ACS_TTEE        +       w       0x77
-vertical line          ACS_VLINE       |       x       0x78
-less-than-or-equal-to  ACS_LEQUAL      <       y       0x79
-greater-than-or-equal-to       ACS_GEQUAL      >       z       0x7a
-greek pi               ACS_PI  *       {       0x7b
-not-equal              ACS_NEQUAL      !       |       0x7c
-UK pound sign          ACS_STERLING    f       }       0x7d
-bullet                 ACS_BULLET      o       \*~     0x7e
+ACS_RARROW     0x2b    +       >       arrow pointing right
+ACS_LARROW     0x2c    ,       <       arrow pointing left
+ACS_UARROW     0x2d    \-      \*^     arrow pointing up
+ACS_DARROW     0x2e    .       v       arrow pointing down
+ACS_BLOCK      0x30    0       #       solid square block
+ACS_DIAMOND    0x60    \(ga    +       diamond
+ACS_CKBOARD    0x61    a       :       checker board (stipple)
+ACS_DEGREE     0x66    f       \e      degree symbol
+ACS_PLMINUS    0x67    g       #       plus/minus
+ACS_BOARD      0x68    h       #       board of squares
+ACS_LANTERN    0x69    i       #       lantern symbol
+ACS_LRCORNER   0x6a    j       +       lower right corner
+ACS_URCORNER   0x6b    k       +       upper right corner
+ACS_ULCORNER   0x6c    l       +       upper left corner
+ACS_LLCORNER   0x6d    m       +       lower left corner
+ACS_PLUS       0x6e    n       +       large plus or crossover
+ACS_S1 0x6f    o       \*~     scan line 1
+ACS_S3 0x70    p       \-      scan line 3
+ACS_HLINE      0x71    q       \-      horizontal line
+ACS_S7 0x72    r       \-      scan line 7
+ACS_S9 0x73    s       \&_     scan line 9
+ACS_LTEE       0x74    t       +       tee pointing right
+ACS_RTEE       0x75    u       +       tee pointing left
+ACS_BTEE       0x76    v       +       tee pointing up
+ACS_TTEE       0x77    w       +       tee pointing down
+ACS_VLINE      0x78    x       |       vertical line
+ACS_LEQUAL     0x79    y       <       less-than-or-equal-to
+ACS_GEQUAL     0x7a    z       >       greater-than-or-equal-to
+ACS_PI 0x7b    {       *       greek pi
+ACS_NEQUAL     0x7c    |       !       not-equal
+ACS_STERLING   0x7d    }       f       UK pound sign
+ACS_BULLET     0x7e    \*~     o       bullet
 A few notes apply to the table itself:

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