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[CASHeW-s] Wiki Updates and Shared Space Changes

From: Andrew John Hughes
Subject: [CASHeW-s] Wiki Updates and Shared Space Changes
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 01:07:50 +0000

Just a quick update on some of the recent admin. things myself and Simon
have been working on:

* GHC, HXT and SYB are now rebuilt in a nightly build run.  There are
stored within our shared space, /share/nlp/projects/cashews (here after
known as $CASHEWS).  You will need $CASHEWS/bin  and
$CASHEWS/ghc-6.3/bin in your path to use these programs and the others
listed here.  All programs are built for a GNU/Linux system.
* As I think I've mentioned, we have nightly statcvs results:

* I've added some Java compilers (currently only jikes and ecj) to the
shared space.  The latter is capable of handling the 1.5 constructs.  I
also plan to add gcj to this, as well as the Classpath library.
Currently, the DCS is a major headache, as it doesn't seem to want to
access Savannah -- a lot of things are waiting on this.  This is also
preventing build runs of our Java code from taking place.  All compilers
needs a bootclasspath set to the runtime library you want to use (as I
say, I will soon provide Classpath for this purpose).  Eclipse users
will find that ecj is the compiler used by Eclipse.
* Our mailing lists are now archived on GMane.  You can access these
either via the web links on the new wiki 'Links' section, or via a news
* I've put up commit guidelines for the editor team.  Please familiarise
yourself with them and follow them.  Roger, your code needs to be
altered to suit the package structure we use.  Please either do so, or
let me know and I'll merge it for you.  The package is:


You may create further packages under there.  Only commit source files
to CVS, not binaries.

* Haskell and Java also now both have coding standards on the wiki.
Again, please follow them.  I still need to fill out the Java ones, but
please use the links provided; I don't fancy regurgitating most of what
has already been said by those links.  About all that is
CASheW-s-specific is the licensing.  Notably, Ravish, you need to alter
your Eclipse code to match this (although you may just want to remove it
anyway, if the new code supersedes it)
* The editor team now have a basic website:

Please let me know if you want anything added to this.

* There is probably more new stuff on the wiki I forgot to mention;
please browse!


   * Read and digest
   * Ensure you follow all guidelines
   * Ask questions on the list or on-line as required

Also, can everyone please make sure they are actually members of all
lists they are supposed to be on... it appears that Roger was missing
from one.

Andrew :-)

Please avoid sending me Microsoft Office (e.g. Word, PowerPoint)

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`Don't bother us with politics' respond those who don't want to learn." 
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