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[Chicken-hackers] Pessimizing undefined behavior

From: John Cowan
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] Pessimizing undefined behavior
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 10:16:03 -0400

On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 11:26 PM megane <address@hidden> wrote:

When the scrutinizer walks (begin) it knows the returned value is

The value or behaviour of (if (begin) 1 #t) is not defined by R5RS.

AFAIK if it's not defined then whatever the implementation chooses to do
is OK.

In this case the whole _expression_ can be therefore optimized to 1.

In my opinion, this is not a good direction for implementations of any language
to go.  The Chicken community has been repeatedly bitten by the increasing
tendency of C compilers to do whatever they want rather than whatever makes
sense in the context of undefined behavior (the C equivalent of "is an error").

There are some great horror stories, like a null-pointer check being removed
from the compiled code because prior to the check the pointer was
dereferenced (which is of course wrong) and the compiler "knew" 
as a result that the pointer could never be null.  When it was, boom.
Similarly, printf-style debugging can be made unusable
if a printf is written just before a dubious
routine is called; if the routine is UB under all circumstances (as by using
a variable before initializing it), the failure can be hoisted above the printf!

In Scheme, whoever writes (begin) in a value context, even as a result
of macro expansion, is almost certainly making a mistake,
and the Right Thing IMO is to report an error, not to pessimize the code.

John Cowan        address@hidden
Promises become binding when there is a meeting of the minds and consideration
is exchanged. So it was at King's Bench in common law England; so it was
under the common law in the American colonies; so it was through more than
two centuries of jurisprudence in this country; and so it is today.
       --Specht v. Netscape

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