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[Dcciv-dev] beast prevalent

From: Evelyn Strickland
Subject: [Dcciv-dev] beast prevalent
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 18:49:01 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

In a brief statement released late in the day, the U. Clearly it is okay to have false positives while it is totally unacceptable to have false negatives.
beef in place since the detection of a single U.
The USDA confirmed today that this animal did not enter the human food or animal feed supply. It reflects an Agriculture Department finding that there is ''minimal risk'' from Canada's cattle and will help ease tensions between the United States and one of its largest trading partners. It derived from the need to prevent inventory stock-outs and ensure fulfillment of seasonally increasing retail beef orders. There were big sighs of relief on both sides of the border last week when the U.
senators have set a course for a new misadventure. Several critics of the current testing regime, however, are still not satisfied. case of BSE was found in a Canadian-born cow last December.
And the New York Post seems to have sent the column down the memory hole
The author compares the false positive tests to fire drills, a more common form of false positives to which we can all relate.
Guaranteed to outrage conservatives.
Our industry has changed and we are struggling to define "normal" in a post-BSE world. Department of Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said Thursday that U.
health officials said last week.
It reflects an Agriculture Department finding that there is ''minimal risk'' from Canada's cattle and will help ease tensions between the United States and one of its largest trading partners. A new study from the School of Public Health's Center for Risk Analsysis has determined that Canadian beef do not provide any increased risk of BSE. What does "normal" mean? It derived from the need to prevent inventory stock-outs and ensure fulfillment of seasonally increasing retail beef orders.
senators have set a course for a new misadventure.

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