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[Dotgnu-see-devel] understanding

From: Godwin Dunn
Subject: [Dotgnu-see-devel] understanding
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 01:51:05 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Nonetheless, feel free to voice your concerns.
I know computers, let's talk about computers. That everyone has been falling in love with paper lately is nothing more to me than a sign that a much better digital experience is about to emerge.
Same happens when someone is phoning, emailing or instant-messaging you.
I even have a couple of drawers with unmarked hangers and labeled files in them. As I said, it is strictly theoretical, as I use source control to store even my perl one-liners.
What makes one artist 'legit' and another a 'sellout'; one artist a 'serious' musician, another a 'phony'? A few minutes ago an alarm on her cell phone went off.
And I want to be able to manage with just my fingers in most cases.
Do you use fields or forms? But running there wasn't as fun as I hoped it would be.
Make your stuff better and you won't have to compete with "free".
Is it because something is cooking?
And me, I'm not waiting, I am trying hard to make this happen.
I don't know about you, but I find myself using TeX more and more often if I need to write a paper. However, there is no clean way to transfer my posts to this new website, so it'll take me some time to compete the transition. So, if you want to talk to me, please consider downloading and installing Google Talk or configuring your favorite multinetwork IM client accordingly. How many of its features do you personally know and use?
Whereas with feeds everything is about attention: I like this topic and I want to read more on it, that author is funny and I'd like to check out her other blogs, etc. " So, my point is that pretty soon computers will come to be just a little bit better at reading those cues and speech recognition will become ubiquitous. How many of you even used your own custom styles? As I said, it is strictly theoretical, as I use source control to store even my perl one-liners.

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