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[debbugs-tracker] bug#35404: closed (posn-at-point ignores line numbers

From: GNU bug Tracking System
Subject: [debbugs-tracker] bug#35404: closed (posn-at-point ignores line numbers when display property is set)
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 10:02:02 +0000

Your message dated Thu, 25 Apr 2019 13:01:24 +0300
with message-id <address@hidden>
and subject line Re: bug#35404: posn-at-point ignores line numbers when display 
property is set
has caused the debbugs.gnu.org bug report #35404,
regarding posn-at-point ignores line numbers when display property is set
to be marked as done.

(If you believe you have received this mail in error, please contact

35404: http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=35404
GNU Bug Tracking System
Contact address@hidden with problems
--- Begin Message --- Subject: posn-at-point ignores line numbers when display property is set Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 21:36:44 +0000
Emacs version: 26.2
Steps to reproduce:
emacs -Q
Activate display-line-numbers-mode
Insert some word at the first line, like "aaa"
Execute (nth 2 (posn-at-point 2)), it will return (40 . 0)
Execute (put-text-property 2 3 'display "A")
Execute (nth 2 (posn-at-point 2)) again, it will return (4 . 0)

This breaks next-line/previous-line in cases display property is used. For example, highlight-indent-guides mode uses display property to draw indentation levels.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: bug#35404: posn-at-point ignores line numbers when display property is set Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 13:01:24 +0300
> From: Евгений Курневский <address@hidden>
> Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 09:47:07 +0000
> Cc: address@hidden
> Thanks! Is it going to be backported to 26 branch?

I'm not sure, the change is in a tricky place, and the problem existed
for long enough to consider it rare.  On top of that, we didn't yet
decide whether there will be Emacs 26.3; if not, the emacs-26 branch
is of no practical importance.

I take it that you tested the change?  If so, I'm closing the bug

--- End Message ---

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