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[elpa] externals/ebdb adb60dd 05/13: Refactor formatter classes, add tab

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb adb60dd 05/13: Refactor formatter classes, add tabular formatters
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 11:15:51 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit adb60ddd0f4aca355eb88d44dd4dfb7dec8c6d15
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Refactor formatter classes, add tabular formatters
    * ebdb-format.el (ebdb-formatter-freeform, ebdb-formatter-constrained,
      ebdb-formatter-tabular): New formatter classes separating out
      different behavior.
      (ebdb-fmt-field-label): Make the record argument optional.
      (ebdb-formatter-csv): CSV formatter.
      (ebdb-default-csv-formatter): New option.
    * ebdb-com.el (ebdb-formatter-ebdb): The EBDB formatter inherits from
    * ebdb-org.el (ebdb-org-formatter-tabular): Add Org table formatter.
      (ebdb-org-default-tabular-formatter): New option.
    * ebdb-latex.el (ebdb-latex-formatter-tabular): Latex table formatter.
      (ebdb-latex-default-tabular-formatter): New option.
    * ebdb-html.el (ebdb-html-formatter-tabular): HTML table formatter.
      (ebdb-html-default-formatter-tabular): New option.
 ebdb-com.el    |   5 +-
 ebdb-format.el | 200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 ebdb-html.el   | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ebdb-latex.el  |  84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ebdb-org.el    |  57 +++++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 416 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebdb-com.el b/ebdb-com.el
index 5032302..32e5bad 100644
--- a/ebdb-com.el
+++ b/ebdb-com.el
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ position-marker mark)."
 ;;; *EBDB* formatting
-(defclass ebdb-formatter-ebdb (ebdb-formatter)
+(defclass ebdb-formatter-ebdb (ebdb-formatter-freeform)
   ;; This post-format-function only comes into play when the user
   ;; chooses the EBDB format in `ebdb-format-to-tmp-buffer'.
@@ -538,18 +538,21 @@ choice: that formatter should be selected explicitly."
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label :around ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-ebdb)
+                                           &optional
                                            (_record ebdb-record))
   (propertize (cl-call-next-method) 'face 'ebdb-label))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-ebdb)
                                    (field ebdb-field-phone)
                                    (_style (eql oneline))
+                                   &optional
                                    (_record ebdb-record))
   (format "phone (%s)" (ebdb-field-label field)))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-ebdb)
                                    (field ebdb-field-address)
                                    (_style (eql oneline))
+                                   &optional
                                    (_record ebdb-record))
   (format "address (%s)" (ebdb-field-label field)))
diff --git a/ebdb-format.el b/ebdb-format.el
index c05551d..4435512 100644
--- a/ebdb-format.el
+++ b/ebdb-format.el
@@ -74,11 +74,18 @@
     :initform `,buffer-file-coding-system
     :documentation "The coding system for the formatted
-   ;; The elements of the next two slots, besides field class symbols,
-   ;; can also use some shortcut symbols: mail, phone, address, notes,
-   ;; tags, role, mail-primary, mail-defunct, mail-not-defunct,
-   ;; role-defunct, and role-not-defunct.
-   (include
+   (post-format-function
+    :type (or null function)
+    :initarg :post-format-function
+    :initform nil
+    :documentation "A function to be called after formatting is
+    complete.  Probably a major mode."))
+  :abstract t
+  :documentation "Abstract base class for EBDB formatters.
+  Subclass this to produce real formatters.")
+(defclass ebdb-formatter-freeform (ebdb-formatter)
+  ((include
     :type list
     :initarg :include
     :initform nil
@@ -97,13 +104,6 @@
     :documentation "How field instances should be sorted.  Field
     classes should be listed in their proper sort order.  A \"_\"
     placeholder indicates where all other fields should go." )
-   (header
-    :type list
-    :initarg :header
-    :initform  '((ebdb-record-person ebdb-field-role ebdb-field-image)
-                (ebdb-record-organization ebdb-field-domain ebdb-field-image))
-    :documentation "A list of field classes which will be output
-    in the header of the record, grouped by record class type.")
     :type list
     :initarg :combine
@@ -119,15 +119,48 @@
     generally indicates that most of the field contents will
     hidden unless the user takes some action, such as clicking or
     hitting <TAB>.  (Currently unimplemented.)")
-   (post-format-function
-    :type (or null function)
-    :initarg :post-format-function
+   (header
+    :type list
+    :initarg :header
+    :initform  '((ebdb-record-person ebdb-field-role ebdb-field-image)
+                (ebdb-record-organization ebdb-field-domain ebdb-field-image))
+    :documentation "A list of field classes which will be output
+    in the header of the record, grouped by record class type."))
+  :abstract t
+  :documentation "An abstract formatter for formats that can
+  accept variable numbers and types of fields.")
+(defclass ebdb-formatter-constrained (ebdb-formatter)
+  ((fields
+    :type list
+    :initarg :fields
     :initform nil
-    :documentation "A function to be called after formatting is
-    complete.  Probably a major mode."))
+    :documentation "A list of the record fields to output.
+    Fields will be output in the order listed.")
+   (field-missing
+    :type (or string symbol function)
+    :initarg :field-missing
+    :initform "none"
+    :documentation "How to handle missing fields.  Can be a
+    string, which will be inserted in place of the missing field,
+    a symbol, which will be raised as an error symbol, or a
+    function, which will be called with three arguments: the
+    formatter, the record, and the field spec."))
   :abstract t
-  :documentation "Abstract base class for EBDB formatters.
-  Subclass this to produce real formatters.")
+  :documentation "An abstract formatter for formats that require
+  an exact specification of fields.")
+(defclass ebdb-formatter-tabular (ebdb-formatter-constrained)
+  ((record-separator
+    :type (or string character)
+    :initarg :record-separator
+    :initform "")
+   (field-separator
+    :type (or string character)
+    :initarg :field-separator
+    :initform ""))
+  :documentation "A formatter for outputting records in tabular
+  format.")
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-string ((fmt ebdb-formatter))
   (slot-value fmt 'label))
@@ -171,7 +204,7 @@ recursively composing subfields of fields.")
 This method only returns the string value of FIELD itself,
 possibly with text properties attached.")
-(cl-defgeneric ebdb-fmt-field-label (fmt field-or-class style record)
+(cl-defgeneric ebdb-fmt-field-label (fmt field-or-class style &optional record)
   "Format a field label, using formatter FMT.
 FIELD-OR-CLASS is a field class or a field instance, and STYLE is
 a symbol indicating a style of some sort, such as 'compact or
@@ -188,24 +221,28 @@ a symbol indicating a style of some sort, such as 
'compact or
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((_fmt ebdb-formatter)
                                    (cls (subclass ebdb-field))
+                                   &optional
                                    (_record ebdb-record))
   (ebdb-field-readable-name cls))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((_fmt ebdb-formatter)
                                    (field ebdb-field)
+                                   &optional
                                    (_record ebdb-record))
   (ebdb-field-readable-name field))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((_fmt ebdb-formatter)
                                    (field ebdb-field-labeled)
+                                   &optional
                                    (_record ebdb-record))
   (ebdb-field-label field))
 (cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field-label ((_fmt ebdb-formatter)
                                    (field ebdb-field-labeled)
                                    (_style (eql compact))
+                                   &optional
                                    (_record ebdb-record))
   (ebdb-field-readable-name field))
@@ -238,10 +275,11 @@ a symbol indicating a style of some sort, such as 
'compact or
   (ebdb-string field))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-collect-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-collect-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter-freeform)
                                       (record ebdb-record)
                                       &optional field-list)
-  "Collect all fields of RECORD, and filter according to FMT."
+  "Collect all fields of RECORD, and filter according to FMT.
+Returns RECORD's field as a simple list."
   ;; Remove the `name' slot entry from the list.
   (let ((fields (append
@@ -262,14 +300,41 @@ a symbol indicating a style of some sort, such as 
'compact or
           (null (ebdb-foo-in-list-p f exclude))))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-collect-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-collect-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter-constrained)
+                                      (record ebdb-record))
+  "Collect RECORD's fields according to FMT's `fields' slot.
+Return as a vector of field instances, with nil in place of
+missing fields."
+  (let* ((fmt-fields (slot-value fmt 'fields))
+        (missing (slot-value fmt 'field-missing))
+        (fields (make-vector (length fmt-fields) nil)))
+    (dotimes (i (length fields))
+      (aset fields i (or (ebdb-record-field record (nth i fmt-fields))
+                        (cons (nth i fmt-fields) missing))))
+    fields))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-sort-fields ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-constrained)
+                                   (_record ebdb-record)
+                                   &optional fields)
+  "Don't sort by default."
+  fields)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-process-fields ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-constrained)
+                                      (_record ebdb-record)
+                                      &optional fields)
+  "Process fields for the \"constrained\" formatter class.
+At present, just makes sure that multiple field instances are
+combined into a single string."
+  fields)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-collect-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter-freeform)
                                       (record ebdb-record-organization)
                                       &optional field-list)
    fmt record
    (append field-list (gethash (ebdb-record-uuid record) ebdb-org-hashtable))))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-sort-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-sort-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter-freeform)
                                    (_record ebdb-record)
   "Sort FIELD-LIST using sort order from FMT.
@@ -290,7 +355,7 @@ slot of FMT."
             #'< sorted)))
-(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-process-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-process-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter-freeform)
                                       (_record ebdb-record)
   "Process FIELD-LIST for FMT.
@@ -333,8 +398,89 @@ multiple instances in a single alist."
       (nreverse outlist))))
-;; No basic implementation of `ebdb-fmt-compose-fields' is given, as
-;; that is entirely formatter-dependent.
+;; Tabular formatting
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-record ((fmt ebdb-formatter-tabular)
+                              (rec ebdb-record))
+  (let ((fields (ebdb-fmt-process-fields
+                fmt rec
+                (ebdb-fmt-sort-fields
+                 fmt rec
+                 (ebdb-fmt-collect-fields
+                  fmt rec))))
+       (rec-sep (slot-value fmt 'record-separator)))
+    (concat
+     (ebdb-fmt-compose-fields fmt rec fields)
+     rec-sep)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-header ((fmt ebdb-formatter-tabular)
+                              _records)
+  (with-slots (fields field-separator record-separator) fmt
+    (concat
+     "Name"
+     field-separator
+     (mapconcat
+      (lambda (f)
+       (cond
+        ((stringp f) f)
+        ((or (class-p f)
+             (eieio-object-p f))
+         (ebdb-fmt-field-label fmt f 'normal))
+        ((symbolp f)
+         (symbol-name f))))
+      fields
+      field-separator))))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-compose-fields ((fmt ebdb-formatter-tabular)
+                                      (rec ebdb-record)
+                                      &optional field-list _depth)
+  (with-slots (field-separator) fmt
+    (concat
+     (ebdb-record-name rec)
+     field-separator
+     (mapconcat
+      (lambda (f)
+       (if (object-p f)
+           (ebdb-fmt-field fmt f 'compact rec)
+         ;; See docs of 'field-missing slot of
+         ;; `ebdb-formatter-constrained' for explanation of the
+         ;; following behavior.
+         (pcase f
+           (`(_ . ,(and (pred stringp) str)) str)
+           (`(,spec . ,(and (pred symbolp) sym))
+            (signal sym (list rec spec)))
+           (`(,spec . (and (pred functionp) fun))
+            (funcall fun fmt rec spec)))))
+      field-list
+      field-separator))))
+(defclass ebdb-formatter-csv (ebdb-formatter-tabular)
+  ((record-separator :initform "\n")
+   (field-separator :initform ",")
+   (post-format-function :initform #'csv-mode)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((fmt ebdb-formatter-csv)
+                             (_field ebdb-field)
+                             _style
+                             (_rec ebdb-record))
+  "Quote field strings containing the separator."
+  (let ((sep (slot-value fmt 'field-separator))
+       (field (cl-call-next-method)))
+    (if (and (stringp sep)
+            (string-match-p sep field))
+       (format "\"%s\"" field)
+      field)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-header ((_fmt ebdb-formatter-csv)
+                              _records)
+  (concat (cl-call-next-method) "\n"))
+(defcustom ebdb-default-csv-formatter
+  (make-instance 'ebdb-formatter-csv :label "csv"
+                :fields '(mail-primary))
+  "Default CSV formatter."
+  :group 'ebdb)
 ;;; Basic export routines
diff --git a/ebdb-html.el b/ebdb-html.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..440b7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebdb-html.el
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+;;; ebdb-html.el --- EBDB HTML integration        -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains code for "doing HTML things" with EBDB records.
+;; Right now that only means formatters for exporting EBDB records as
+;; HTML.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ebdb-format)
+(defgroup ebdb-html nil
+  "Customization options for EBDB with HTML."
+  :group 'ebdb)
+(defclass ebdb-html-formatter (ebdb-formatter)
+  nil
+  :abstract t
+  :documentation "Formatter responsible for HTML-specific field
+  formatting.")
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((_fmt ebdb-html-formatter)
+                             (field ebdb-field-mail)
+                             _style
+                             (_rec ebdb-record))
+  (with-slots (mail aka) field
+    (format "<a href=\"mailto:%s\";>%s</a>" mail (or aka mail))))
+(defclass ebdb-html-formatter-tabular (ebdb-formatter-tabular
+                                      ebdb-html-formatter)
+  ;; We put the <tr> elements in manually.
+  ((record-separator :initform "")
+   (field-separator :initform "</td><td>")
+   (post-format-function :initform #'html-mode)))
+(defcustom ebdb-html-default-formatter-tabular
+  (make-instance 'ebdb-html-formatter-tabular
+                :label "html table"
+                :fields '(mail-primary))
+  "The default HTML table formatter.")
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-header ((fmt ebdb-html-formatter-tabular)
+                              _records)
+  (with-slots (fields) fmt
+    (concat
+     "<table>\n<tr><th>Name</th><th>"
+     (mapconcat
+      (lambda (f)
+       (cond
+        ((stringp f) f)
+        ((or (class-p f)
+             (eieio-object-p f))
+         (ebdb-fmt-field-label fmt f 'normal))
+        ((symbolp f)
+         (symbol-name f))))
+      fields
+      "</th><th>")
+     "</th></tr>\n")))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-footer ((fmt ebdb-html-formatter-tabular)
+                             _records)
+  "\n</table>")
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-record ((_fmt ebdb-html-formatter-tabular)
+                              (_rec ebdb-record))
+  "Wrap records in <tr> elements.
+This is done in lieu of a `record-separator' slot, since it's
+around each record, not between records."
+  (concat "<tr>"
+         (cl-call-next-method)
+         "</tr>"))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-compose-fields :around ((_fmt 
+                                              (_rec ebdb-record)
+                                              &optional _field-list _depth)
+  (concat "<td>"
+         (cl-call-next-method)
+         "</td>"))
+(provide 'ebdb-html)
+;;; ebdb-html.el ends here
diff --git a/ebdb-latex.el b/ebdb-latex.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4365ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebdb-latex.el
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+;;; ebdb-latex.el --- LaTex formatting routines for EBDB  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2018  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains routines for formatting EBDB records as LaTeX.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ebdb-format)
+(defgroup ebdb-latex nil
+  "Options for EBDB and LaTeX."
+  :group 'ebdb)
+(defclass ebdb-latex-formatter (ebdb-formatter)
+  ((post-format-function :initform #'latex-mode))
+  :abstract t
+  :documentation "")
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((_fmt ebdb-latex-formatter)
+                             (field ebdb-field-mail)
+                             _style
+                             (_rec ebdb-record))
+  (with-slots (mail aka) field
+    (format "\\href{mailto:%s}{%s}"; mail (or aka mail))))
+(defclass ebdb-latex-formatter-tabular (ebdb-latex-formatter
+                                       ebdb-formatter-tabular)
+  ((record-separator :initform " \\\\\n")
+   (field-separator :initform " & ")
+   (table-environment :initform "tabular")
+   (table-spec
+    :type (or string null)
+    :initarg :table-spec
+    :initform nil)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((_fmt ebdb-latex-formatter-tabular)
+                             (_field ebdb-field)
+                             _style
+                             (_rec ebdb-record))
+  "Escape column separators in field strings."
+  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([^\\]\\)&" "\\1\\\\&"
+                           (cl-call-next-method)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-header ((fmt ebdb-latex-formatter-tabular)
+                              _recs)
+  (with-slots (table-environment table-spec) fmt
+    (concat (format "\\begin{%s}" table-environment)
+           (when table-spec
+             (format "%s" table-spec))
+           "\n")))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-footer ((fmt ebdb-latex-formatter-tabular)
+                              _recs)
+  (with-slots (table-environment) fmt
+    (format "\\end{%s}" table-environment)))
+(defcustom ebdb-latex-default-tabular-formatter
+  (make-instance 'ebdb-latex-formatter-tabular
+                :label "latex table"
+                :fields '(mail-primary))
+  "Default LaTeX tabular formatter."
+  :type 'ebdb-formatter-tabular)
+(provide 'ebdb-latex)
+;;; ebdb-latex.el ends here
diff --git a/ebdb-org.el b/ebdb-org.el
index 71ff087..b7c1b65 100644
--- a/ebdb-org.el
+++ b/ebdb-org.el
@@ -53,9 +53,14 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'ebdb-com)
+(require 'ebdb-format)
 (require 'org)
 (require 'org-agenda)
+(defgroup ebdb-org nil
+  "Custom group for EBDB Org options."
+  :group 'ebdb)
 (if (fboundp 'org-link-set-parameters)
     (org-link-set-parameters "ebdb"
                             :follow 'ebdb-org-open
@@ -66,8 +71,8 @@
                             :store 'ebdb-org-store-link
                             :export 'ebdb-org-export)
   (with-no-warnings ;; I know it's obsolete.
-   (org-add-link-type "ebdb" #'ebdb-org-open #'ebdb-org-export)
-   (add-hook 'org-store-link-functions 'ebdb-org-store-link)))
+    (org-add-link-type "ebdb" #'ebdb-org-open #'ebdb-org-export)
+    (add-hook 'org-store-link-functions 'ebdb-org-store-link)))
 ;; TODO: Put a custom keymap on the links (or else expand
 ;; `ebdb-org-open') so that users can choose what to do with the
@@ -155,5 +160,53 @@ To do this automatically for every search, add this 
function to
   "Use a separate EBDB buffer for Org-related contacts."
   (format "*%s-Org*" ebdb-buffer-name))
+;;; Formatters
+(defclass ebdb-org-formatter (ebdb-formatter)
+  ((post-format-function :initform #'org-mode))
+  :abstract t
+  :documentation "Formatter responsible for Org-specific field
+  formatting.")
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-field ((fmt ebdb-org-formatter)
+                             (field ebdb-field-mail)
+                             _style
+                             (rec ebdb-record))
+  (concat "mailto:"; (cl-call-next-method)))
+(defun ebdb-org-table-post-format ()
+  "Align the formatted Org table."
+  (org-mode)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (forward-char)
+  (org-table-align))
+(defclass ebdb-org-formatter-tabular (ebdb-formatter-tabular
+                                     ebdb-org-formatter)
+  ((record-separator :initform "\n")
+   (field-separator :initform " | ")
+   (post-format-function :initform #'ebdb-org-table-post-format)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-header :around ((fmt ebdb-org-formatter-tabular)
+                                      _records)
+  (concat "| "
+         (cl-call-next-method)
+         " |\n"
+         "|---|\n"))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-fmt-compose-fields :around ((_fmt 
+                                              (_rec ebdb-record)
+                                              &optional _field-list _depth)
+  (concat "| "
+         (cl-call-next-method)
+         " |"))
+(defcustom ebdb-org-default-tabular-formatter
+  (make-instance 'ebdb-org-formatter-tabular
+                :label "org table"
+                :fields '(mail-primary))
+  "Default Org table formatter."
+  :type 'ebdb-formatter-tabular)
 (provide 'ebdb-org)
 ;;; ebdb-org.el ends here

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