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Re: [Erp5-dev] erp5 iNSTALL and ...

From: Jean-Paul Smets
Subject: Re: [Erp5-dev] erp5 iNSTALL and ...
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 14:11:15 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5

Le Lundi 22 Septembre 2003 00:22, Marc JARLEGAND a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'd tried a couple of weeks or months to install ERP5 on a MDK 9.0.
> but i could not.
> First question:
> Is it possible? (I don't want to copy some common OS Method, consist to
> always install the up to date version of soft on a up to date computer
> model just for money!)

yes, it is possible, and all the software is 100% Free Software and 
operational (it is actually in use in a factory of 250 people). but the 
software itself is not enough to complete evaluation. ERP5 is actually a 
framework which needs to be configured for each customer. 

> Second question:
> Is a complete evaluation version of ERP5 exist ?

all software is published. but we have no demo application available now 
because we must first finish the current implementation at our customer.

to give you an idea, ERP5 is like an Apache server and ERP5 business 
templates are like HTML pages. We have business templates running at our 
customer but they are not ready to be published. Nexedi has its own 
business template and is going to publish it.

> What i want to do with it:
> I'm an IT consultant in ERP world since several years (of course not
> (yet) a Linux "Gourou").
> My project is to work with some Free ERP Software and find some
> customers for installed some free and 'cheap' solutions and of course
> add some new modules or write some specific program.
> So i need to evaluate existing software (i don't want to invent the cool
> water) for apreciate what can i do with them (and how some industrial
> customers can use them)?
> It's a very serious project, and i need your help.

What I suggest at this point is to arrange an online demo of a "real world" 
site using ERP5. Nexedi can arrange that with any consultant or company 
wishing to evaluate ERP5.

In the future, we shall publish a useable demo application implemented with 
ERP5. This will be another solution. But it may just take a few more weeks 
or months.

> I'm sorry for my english , but i'm french.
> Thank you for your time,
> mfg Marc.
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> Erp5-dev mailing list
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Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes 
Nexedi CEO    Tel. +33(0)6 62 05 76 14    Fax. +33(0)1 53 01 09 29


Nexedi is a consulting and development services company helping small and 
medium organisations to choose open source / free software and fulfill 
their IT application needs. Nexedi is the founder of the ERP5 project, a 
Free / Open Source ERP software based on innovative technologies 


Storever provides a reliable source for OpenBrick, WiFi infrastructure, 
notebooks and servers preconfigured with the GNU/Linux operating system

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