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[Fisicalab-discuss] GNU FisicaLab's funding campaign

From: Germán Arias
Subject: [Fisicalab-discuss] GNU FisicaLab's funding campaign
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 01:52:39 -0600
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.1)

Hi everyone. Today I started a campaign to support GNU FisicaLab, the educational free software for physics.

Free software is important for education, to not enchain the students in using privative software packages. Using free software, schools and universities save money. But, most important, free software gives users the freedom to control their own computers. And encourages students to learn and share. They can make copies of the software to take home and to share with his friends. Read:


With your support, you will help to expand the range of problems to solve in FisicaLab, in adding new features, in the availability in other languages and in many other things. So help FisicaLab to reach 7k at March 31, to give students a chance of get an ethical education with free software.

Spread the word of FisicaLab's campaign with your friends, blogs or social networks. Lets education become free (as in freedom).

To contribute visit official website:

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