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[fluid-dev] Compiling fluidsynth with mingw32 under Windows 10

From: David Back
Subject: [fluid-dev] Compiling fluidsynth with mingw32 under Windows 10
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 19:57:44 +0000 (UTC)

Hi Tom et al.

Regarding my previous inability to compile fluidsynth with mingw32 under Windows 10.

I have now overcome this problem and can do the compilation. The solution was to copy
libintl.dll into the ONLY directory the linker was looking. It does not use the PATH and only
looks in the one place.

I have no idea how it arrives at this path, but it is:

Additionally Windows 10 graphic interface does not allow forward slashes i.e. / in the PATH
and it does appear from other peoples comments that they may be necessary. I got them in
by using the command
set PATH=c:/mingw32/bin/deps;%PATH%

You need to make your instructions for compiling fluidsynth on Windows much more
comprehensive and get them written by someone who has actually compiled it
successfully. They then need to be tested and approved by someone else who is using
them for the first time.

I now need to get cmake to include the options I require.


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