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Re: [Freehoo-users] Umlauts not transmitted properly

From: Anand Babu
Subject: Re: [Freehoo-users] Umlauts not transmitted properly
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 15:30:24 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

,----[ "Matthias B." <address@hidden> ]
| Hi,
| I've just installed and tested Freehoo and I'm experiencing problems with
| German umlauts (such as ä, ü  and ö) when communicating with a non-Freehoo
| buddy. Whenever I send a message that contains an umlaut, the
| complete message gets lost and the buddy never sees it. When my buddy
| sends me a message with an umlaut, the umlaut is displayed as 2 characters
| (i.e. the 2 characters that represent the umlaut in UTF-8) rather than
| being translated to ISO-8859-1(5) (which is the standard setting for
| xterm). This may be a configuration problem, but I have not found anything
| in the docs dealing with character sets.
I am not an internationalization expert. I will try to find some one
to help us.

Just curious, are you able to see umlaut characters in xterm outside

Anand Babu 
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