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[gcmd-dev] ioGnomeCommander1.2.6_InfodomesticObjects0.9.29.1 "click and

From: Luca Cappelletti
Subject: [gcmd-dev] ioGnomeCommander1.2.6_InfodomesticObjects0.9.29.1 "click and run" released
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 15:43:08 +0200

Hello everyone,

after listened to the new gnome commander release I decided to use my
"working progress" packaging technology to build a SpatialBundle of latest
gnome commander.
This resolve into just one file cliccable that does not require any
installation nor root password to play.
Just download, add exec properties bit and simply click!!
It run out of the box as it is.
Compiled and packaged under Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 works very well into
Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10.
No dependencies libs required other provided from a clean standard Ubuntu

Main SpatialBundles packages download

ioGnomeCommand Main download:

specific release 1.2.6 Download:

Hope this will help you to spread to the world this wonderful and useful
application :)

Luca Cappelletti

Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."



GTalk,MSN: luca <dot> cappelletti <at> gmail <dot> com
Linux Registered User: #223411
Ubuntu Registered User: #7221
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