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Re: [gcmd-dev] d&d stuff

From: Michael
Subject: Re: [gcmd-dev] d&d stuff
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 15:54:41 +0200
User-agent: claws-mail.org

Great !

But still the d&d symlink does not include the configured preceding char (in 
the way the main menu symlink does). 

I try not to be sucking, so maybe i should explain what use there is for 
symlinks, even in the 21th century :) 

I do often symlink from one thematic folder to another to make me remember 
there is more data or media to that topic. For example i've got a folder for 
Magnolia trees in the paleobotany branch, and another in the 'earth today' 
branch. For topic folders, i also use to separate downloaded docs (which are 
several Gigabytes but rarely change except that i often rename or move them but 
that's not reason enough for daily backup) from my own work (which changes 
nearly every day) so there would be a Digest folder and my own works in another 
place. I'm talking about hierarchies more than 10 levels deep, and moving 
around 'manually' is not an option. Bookmarks ? But i use several apps like 
filemanger, image (and other) viewer, several editors ... usually i make both 
places faster cross-accessible via symlinks. Since it is on file system level, 
it's independent from whatever change in the software i use (only that it have 
to support ext4).

However, most of these apps don't indicate if it's a symlink, and while i need 
to be careful with moving and renaming actions, i need the identifier.

And anyway, with that kind of identifier, management is much easier (like, 
using gcmd F9 find for collecting all symlinks).

So far my plea...

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