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[gcmd-dev] Add minimization button to modeless dialogs

From: Jan Vleeshouwers
Subject: [gcmd-dev] Add minimization button to modeless dialogs
Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 23:25:21 +0200

Since I frequently use Gnome Commander, I have tried to do something about
a couple of bugs I encountered (see the bug list).
Apart from that, I would like to suggest to add a minimization button to
the modeless dialogs. I see there has been some discussion about the
dialogs a couple of years ago, but it looks like nothing has resulted from
that. I know dialogs should officially keep in front of their parent
windows, but for modeless dialogs to be really functional, you also need to
be able to move them out of the way sometimes. As far as my experience with
Gtk goes, it would mean one additional line in the init() function of each
modeless dialog:


where window is the dialog window widget.

For the search dialog, this also solves the problem that the dialog
partially hides the internal viewer, when a file is viewed from the search
result list.

- Jan

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