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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Yves Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2017 03:09:51 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 3dde20cf3a85b6587cf87901513ff80e8241c1a7
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Date:   Tue Dec 26 09:09:27 2017 +0100

    dynamic contact test
 interface/tests/python/ | 413 +++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 356 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/tests/python/ 
index ab06b0f..53ecdf6 100644
--- a/interface/tests/python/
+++ b/interface/tests/python/
@@ -20,40 +20,101 @@
-""" Dynamic with impact of an elastic road, comparison with the exact solution
+""" Dynamic with impact of an elastic rod.
+    Comparison to the closed-form solution.
-  This program is used to check that python-getfem is working. This is also
-  a good example of use of GetFEM++.
+    This program is used to check that python-getfem is working.
+    This is also a good example of use of GetFEM++.
 import getfem as gf
 import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import time # time.sleep(6)
+# Numerical parameters
+NX = 100              # Number of elements
+T = 9                 # Simulation time
+dt = 0.001            # Time step
+u_degree = 1          # Degree of the finite element method for u
-# Parameters
-NX=20                # Number of elements
-T = 10               # Simulation time
-dt = 0.001           # Time step
-u_degree = 1         # Degree of the finite element method for u
+gamma0_N = 0.5        # Nitsche parameter gamma
+theta_N =  0          # Nitsche parameter theta
-gamma0_N = 0.05      # Nitsche parameter gamma
-theta_N = 0          # Nitsche parameter theta
+gamma0_P = 0.5        # Penalization parameter
-beta = 0.25          # Newmark parameter beta
-gamma = 0.5          # Newmark parameter gamma
-theta = 1.0          # Theta-scheme parameter
+beta = 0.             # Newmark parameter beta
+gamma = 0.5           # Newmark parameter gamma
+e_PS = 1.0            # Restitution coefficient for Paoli-Schatzman scheme
+version = 0           # 0 = pure Signorini contact
+                      # 1 = pure Signorini contact with Paoli-Schatzman scheme
+                      # 2 = penalized contact
+                      # 3 = Nitsche's method
+mass_matrix_type = 2  # 0 = standard mass matrix
+                      # 1 = redistributed mass matrix
+                      # 2 = singular dynamic mass matrix
+# Plot parameters
+dtplot = 0.05         # Time step for intermediate plots
+do_inter_plot = False # Intermediate plots or not
+do_final_plot = True  # Final plots or not
+# Deduced parameters
+h = 1./NX
+TT = np.arange(0, T+dt, dt)
+NT = TT.size
+dt_max_approx = h/(2* u_degree);
+if (version == 2): dt_max_approx = min(dt_max_approx, h/(20*gamma0_P))
+print 'Approximative dt_max for CFL :', dt_max_approx
+if (dt > dt_max_approx): print 'Time step too large'; exit(1)
+# Exact solution. The solution is periodic of period 3
+# Return the displacement (d=0), x derivative (d=1) or time derivative (d=2)
+def uExact(x, t, d = 0):
+    # Shift the time 't' with t=0 : beginning of the period
+    tp = t % 3.
+    # The solution has 3 phases
+    # Shift the time 'tp' with t=0 : beginning of a phase
+    # and get also the phase number
+    tf = tp % 1.
+    nf = np.floor(tp)
+    # Get the index of the zone in each phase : I, II, III, IV
+    # (zones are given according to characteristics of the wave equation)
+    if (tf<x): zone = 1 if (tf<=(1-x)) else 3
+    else:      zone = 2 if (tf<=(1-x)) else 4
+    # Solution according to the Phase (1,2,3) and the zone (I, II, III, IV)
+    if nf == 0:
+        if   zone == 1: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0.;
+        elif zone == 2: u = 1./2.-tf/2.;  dxu = 0.;      dtu = -1./2.;
+        elif zone == 3: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0;
+        elif zone == 4: u = 1./2.-tf/2.;  dxu = 0;       dtu = -1./2.;
+    elif nf == 1: 
+        if   zone == 1: u = -tf/2.;       dxu = 0;       dtu = -1./2.
+        elif zone == 2: u = -x/2.;        dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0;
+        elif zone == 3: u = -1./2.+x/2.;  dxu = 1./2.;   dtu = 0;
+        elif zone == 4: u = -1./2.+tf/2.; dxu = 0;       dtu = 1./2.;
+    elif nf == 2:
+        if   zone == 1: u = tf/2.;        dxu = 0;       dtu = 1./2.;
+        elif zone == 2: u = tf/2.;        dxu = 0;       dtu = 1./2.;
+        elif zone == 3: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0;
+        elif zone == 4: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0.
+    return (u if (d == 0) else (dxu if (d == 1) else dtu))
+def linsolve(M, B): # Call Superlu to solve a sparse linear system
+    return (((gf.linsolve_superlu(M, B))[0]).T)[0]
-singular_mass = 0    # singular mass or not
-scheme = 0
-version = 0;         # 0 = penalized contact ...
 # Mesh
 m=gf.Mesh('cartesian', np.arange(0,1+1./NX,1./NX))
 # Selection of the contact and Dirichlet boundaries
 border = m.outer_faces()
 normals = m.normal_of_faces(border)
 contact_boundary = border[:,np.nonzero(normals[0] < -0.01)[0]]
@@ -63,7 +124,7 @@ m.set_region(GAMMAD, contact_boundary)
 # Finite element methods
 mfu = gf.MeshFem(m)
+mfu.set_classical_fem(u_degree) # Assumed to be a Lagrange FEM in the following
 mfd = gf.MeshFem(m, 1)
@@ -71,55 +132,293 @@ mfd.set_classical_fem(u_degree)
 # Integration method
 mim = gf.MeshIm(m, 4)
+# GetFEM model
+md = gf.Model('real'); md.add_fem_variable('u', mfu)
+md.add_fem_data('v', mfu)
+md.add_initialized_data('t_N', theta_N)
+md.add_initialized_data('g_N', gamma0_N/h)
+# Initial conditions
+U0 = mfu.eval('0.5-0.5*x')   # Initial displacement
+Um1 = np.copy(U0)            # U_{-1} for Paoli-Schatzman scheme
+Ndof = U0.size
+V0 = np.zeros(Ndof)          # Initial velocity
+s0 = 0.                      # Initial stress
+md.set_variable('u', U0); md.set_variable('v', V0)
 # Mass and stiffness matrices
-md = gf.Model('real'); md.add_fem_variable('u', mfu);
 M = gf.asm_generic(mim, 2, 'u*Test_u', -1, md)
 K = gf.asm_generic(mim, 2, 'Grad_u*Grad_Test_u', -1, md)
 # Dirichlet condition on the top
-for i in range(0, u_degree+1): K[0,i] = 0.;
-for i in range(0, u_degree+1): M[0,i] = 0.;
-M[0,0] = K[0,0] = 1.;
+for i in range(0, u_degree+1): K[Ndof-1,Ndof-1-i] = 0.
+for i in range(0, u_degree+1): M[Ndof-1,Ndof-1-i] = 0.
+M[Ndof-1,Ndof-1] = 1.; K[Ndof-1,Ndof-1] = 1.;
+M2 = gf.Spmat('copy', M);
-print uExact(0,0)
+if (mass_matrix_type == 1): # Redistributed mass matrix
+    M[1,1] += M[0,0];
+    for i in range(0, u_degree+1):
+        M[i,i] += M[i,0]; M[0,i] = M[i,0] = 0.
+    M2 = gf.Spmat('copy', M); M2[0,0] = 1.
+elif (mass_matrix_type == 2): # Singular dynamic mass matrix
+    assert (u_degree == 1), 'Sorry, implemented for linear element only'
+    M[1,1] = 7.*h/12.;
+    for i in range(0, u_degree+1): M[0,i] = M[i,0] = 0.
+    M2 = gf.Spmat('copy', M); M2[0,0] = 1.
+# Matrices for Newmark method
+MV0 = M.mult(V0); MV1 = np.copy(MV0)
+MA0 = -K.mult(U0);
+if (mass_matrix_type >= 1): MA0[0] = 0;
-print K
-print K[1,1]
+K_m = gf.Spmat('copy', K); K_m.scale(dt*dt*beta);
+K_N = gf.Spmat('add', M, K_m);  # Newmark matrix without contact
+K_N_C = gf.Spmat('copy', K_N);  # Newmark matrix with effective contact
+if (version == 0):     # Pure Signorini contact
+    for i in range(0, u_degree+1): K_N_C[0,i] = 0.
+    K_N_C[0,0] = 1;
+elif (version == 1):   # Pure Signorini contact with Paoli-Schatzman scheme
+    for i in range(0, u_degree+1): K_N_C[0,i] = 0.
+    K_N_C[0,0] = 1;
+elif (version == 2):   # Penalized contact
+    K_N_C[0,0] += dt*dt*beta*(gamma0_P/h)
+elif (version == 3):   # Nitsche contact
+    asstr_Nitsche = '-(t_N/g_N)*Grad_u*Grad_Test_u'
+    K_N1 = gf.asm_generic(mim, 2, asstr_Nitsche, GAMMAC, md)
+    K_Nitsche1 = gf.Spmat('add', K, K_N1)
+    K_N1.scale(dt*dt*beta);
+    K_N = gf.Spmat('add', K_N, K_N1)
+    asstr_Nitsche = '(1/g_N)*(g_N*u+Grad_u)*(g_N*Test_u+t_N*Grad_Test_u)'
+    K_N2 = gf.asm_generic(mim, 2, asstr_Nitsche, GAMMAC, md)
+    K_Nitsche2 = gf.Spmat('add', K_Nitsche1, K_N2)
+    K_N2.scale(dt*dt*beta);
+    K_N_C = gf.Spmat('add', K_N, K_N2)
+    asstr_Nitsche = '(t_N/g_N)*Grad_u*Grad_Test_u ' \
+              + '+(1/g_N)*neg_part(g_N*u+Grad_u)*(g_N*Test_u+t_N*Grad_Test_u)'
+else: assert(false), "Unvalid version"
+# Misc initializations
+Ndof = U0.size
+Fc = np.zeros(Ndof); Uex = np.zeros(Ndof); Vex = np.zeros(Ndof); 
+Xdraw = np.arange(0, 1+0.001, 0.001) # Grid for plot
+Ndraw = Xdraw.size
+tplot = 0
+store_E   = np.zeros(NT);
+store_VL2 = np.zeros(NT); store_VL2_ex = np.zeros(NT)
+store_UL2 = np.zeros(NT); store_UL2_ex = np.zeros(NT)
+store_UH1 = np.zeros(NT); store_UH1_ex = np.zeros(NT)
+store_u0  = np.zeros(NT); store_u0_ex  = np.zeros(NT)
+store_v0  = np.zeros(NT); store_v0_ex  = np.zeros(NT)
+store_s0  = np.zeros(NT); store_s0_ex  = np.zeros(NT)
+fem_nodes = mfu.basic_dof_nodes();
+# Time steps
+for nit in range(0, NT):
+    t = TT[nit]; 
+    if (t > 0.):
+        if (beta == 0): # Newmark Explicit scheme (beta = 0)
+            F = Fc - K.mult(U0)
+            FF = linsolve(M2, F)
+            U1 = U0 + dt*V0 + (dt*dt/2.)*FF
+            V1 = V0 + (dt*(1.-gamma))*FF
+            a = 0;
+            for i in range(1, u_degree+1): a += K[0,i]*U1[i]
+            if (version == 0):   # Pure Signorini contact
+                if (mass_matrix_type >= 1):
+                    U1[0] = max(0., -a) / K[0,0];
+                    s1 = -max(0., a); Fc[0] = -s1
+                else: assert (false), 'No explicit scheme for ' \
+                        + 'pure Signorini contact and standard mass matrix'
+            elif (version == 1): # Pure Signorini contact with P.-S. scheme
+                if (mass_matrix_type >= 1):
+                    U1[0] = max((e_PS/2.)*Um1[0]/(1.-e_PS/2.), -a) / K[0,0];
+                    s1 = min((e_PS/2.)*Um1[0]/(1.-e_PS/2.), -a);
+                else:
+                    s1 = 0;
+                    if ((1.-e_PS/2.)*U1[0] + (e_PS/2.)*Um1[0] < 0):
+                        U1_0 = np.copy(U1);
+                        B=M.mult(U0)+dt*M.mult(V0)-(dt*dt/2.)*K.mult(U0)
+                        B0 = np.copy(B); B0[0] = (e_PS/2.)*Um1[0]/(1.-e_PS/2.);
+                        U1=linsolve(K_N_C, B0)
+                        F=M.mult(U1)-B; s1 = -F[0]/(dt*dt)
+                        V1 += (U1-U1_0)/dt
+                Fc[0] = 0;
+            elif (version == 2): # Penalized contact
+                if (mass_matrix_type >= 1):
+                    U1[0] = -a / K[0,0];
+                    if (U1[0] < 0): U1[0] = -a / (K[0,0] + gamma0_P/h);
+                s1 = (gamma0_P/h)*min(0., U1[0]); Fc[0] = -s1
+            else:                # Nitsche contact
+                if (mass_matrix_type >= 1):
+                    a = 0;
+                    for i in range(1, u_degree+1): a += K_Nitsche1[0,i]*U1[i]
+                    U1[0] = -a / K_Nitsche1[0,0]
+                    if (U1[0] < 0):
+                        a = 0;
+                        for i in range(1,u_degree+1): a += 
+                        U1[0] = -a / K_Nitsche2[0,0]
+                md.set_variable('u', U1); ux = 
+                Fc = gf.asm_generic(mim, 1, asstr_Nitsche, GAMMAC, md)
+                s1 = min(0,(gamma0_P/h)*U1[0]+ux)
+            FF = linsolve(M2, Fc-K.mult(U1))
+            V1 += dt*gamma*FF;
+            if (mass_matrix_type >= 1): V1[0] = (U1[0] - U0[0])/dt
+        else:  # Implicit scheme (beta > 0)
+            B = M.mult(U0)+dt*MV0+(dt*dt*(1-2*beta)/2.)*MA0
+            U1 = linsolve(K_N, B)
+            MV1 = MV0
+            if (version == 0):   # Pure Signorini contact
+                if (U1[0] < 0):
+                    B2 = np.copy(B); B2[0]=0; U1=linsolve(K_N_C, B2)
+                    Fc1 = (K_N.mult(U1) - B)/(beta*dt*dt); s1 = -Fc1[0]
+                else: Fc1 = 0.*Fc; s1 = 0
+            elif (version == 1): # Pure Signorini contact with P.-S. scheme
+                if ((1.-2*e_PS)*U1[0] + 2*e_PS*Um1[0] < 0):
+                    B2 = np.copy(B); B2[0]=(e_PS/2.)*Um1[0]/(1.-e_PS/2.);
+                    U1 = linsolve(K_N_C, B2)
+                    Fc1 = (K_N.mult(U1) - B)/(dt*dt); s1 = -Fc1[0]
+                    MV1 += dt*Fc1
+                else: s1 = 0;
+                Fc1 = 0.*Fc;
+            elif (version == 2): # Penalized contact
+                if (U1[0] < 0):
+                    U1 = linsolve(K_N_C, B)
+                    Fc1 = (K_N.mult(U1) - B)/(beta*dt*dt); s1 = -Fc1[0];
+                else: Fc1 = 0.*Fc; s1 = 0
+            else:                # Nitsche contact
+                md.set_variable('u', U1); ux = 
+                if ((gamma0_N/h)*U1[0]+ux < 0):
+                    U1 = linsolve(K_N_C, B); md.set_variable('u', U1);
+                    ux = md.interpolation('Grad_u',[0.],m)
+                Fc1 = (K_N.mult(U1) - B)/(beta*dt*dt)
+                s1 = min(0,(gamma0_N/h)*U1[0]+ux)
+            MA1 = Fc1-K.mult(U1);
+            MV1 += dt*((1.-gamma)*MA0 + gamma*MA1);
+            V1 = linsolve(M2, MV1); V1[Ndof-1] = 0.
+            if (mass_matrix_type >= 1): V1[0] = (U1[0] - U0[0])/dt
+            MA0 = MA1
+        # End of time step
+        Um1 = np.copy(U0); U0 = np.copy(U1);
+        V0 = np.copy(V1); MV0 = np.copy(MV1); s0 = s1
+        md.set_variable('u', U0); md.set_variable('v', V0)
+    # Compute the difference with the exact solution
+    for i in range(0,Ndof): Uex[i] = uExact(fem_nodes[0][i], t)
+    for i in range(0,Ndof): Vex[i] = uExact(fem_nodes[0][i], t, 2)
+    # Compute the Energy
+    MMV0 = M.mult(V0); KU0 = K.mult(U0)
+    E = (np.vdot(MMV0, V0) + np.vdot(KU0, U0))*0.5
+    if (version == 2): # Energy stored in the penalized contact
+        E += (gamma0_P/h)*pow(min(0., U0[0]),2)/2
+    # Store the data to be ploted at the end
+    store_u0[nit] = U0[0]; store_u0_ex[nit] = uExact(0., t)
+    store_v0[nit] = V0[0]; store_v0_ex[nit] = uExact(0., t, 2)
+    store_s0[nit] = s0
+    store_s0_ex[nit] = uExact(0., t, 1); store_E[nit] = E
+    store_VL2_ex[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, Vex, mim)
+    store_UL2_ex[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, Uex, mim)
+    store_UH1_ex[nit] = gf.compute_H1_norm(mfu, Uex, mim)
+    store_VL2[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, V0-Vex, mim)
+    store_UL2[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, U0-Uex, mim)
+    store_UH1[nit] = gf.compute_H1_norm(mfu, U0-Uex, mim)
+    print "Time ", t, "/", T, " Energy :", store_E[nit]
+    # Draw the approximated and exact solutions
+    if (do_inter_plot and t >= tplot):
+        tplot = t + dtplot; UUex = np.copy(Xdraw)
+        plt.figure(1); plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
+        plt.subplot(311) # Displacement
+        for i in range(0,Ndraw): UUex[i] = uExact(Xdraw[i], t)
+        UU = md.interpolation('u', Xdraw, m)
+        plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,1.,-0.6,0.6])
+        plt.plot(Xdraw, UUex, 'red'); plt.plot(Xdraw, UU, 'blue')
+        plt.ylabel('u'); plt.xlabel('x')
+        plt.subplot(312) # Velocity
+        for i in range(0,Ndraw): UUex[i] = uExact(Xdraw[i], t, 2)
+        UU = md.interpolation('v', Xdraw, m)
+        plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,1.,-0.6,0.6])
+        plt.plot(Xdraw, UUex, 'red'); plt.plot(Xdraw, UU, 'blue')
+        plt.ylabel('v'); plt.xlabel('x')
+        plt.subplot(313) # Stress
+        for i in range(0,Ndraw): UUex[i] = uExact(Xdraw[i], t, 1)
+        UU = md.interpolation('Grad_u', Xdraw, m)
+        plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,1.,-0.6,0.6])
+        plt.plot(Xdraw, UUex, 'red'); plt.plot(Xdraw, UU, 'blue')
+        plt.ylabel('$\partial_x u$'); plt.xlabel('x')
+        plt.pause(0.01);
+# print the main relative errors
+Err = np.amax(store_UL2) / np.amax(store_UL2_ex)
+print 'L^\intfy(0,T,L^2)-norm of the error on u: ', Err
+Err = np.amax(store_UH1) / np.amax(store_UH1_ex)
+print 'L^\intfy(0,T,H^1)-norm of the error on u: ', Err
+Err = np.amax(store_VL2) / np.amax(store_VL2_ex)
+print 'L^\intfy(0,T,L^2)-norm of the error on v: ', Err
+Nor = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_UL2_ex))*dt)
+Err = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_UL2))*dt) / Nor
+print 'L^2(0,T,L^2)-norm of the error on u: ', Err
+Nor = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_UH1_ex))*dt)
+Err = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_UH1))*dt) / Nor
+print 'L^2(0,T,H^1)-norm of the error on u: ', Err
+Nor = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_VL2_ex))*dt)
+Err = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_VL2))*dt) / Nor
+print 'L^2(0,T)-norm of the error on v: ', Err
+Nor = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_s0_ex))*dt)
+Err = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(store_s0-store_s0_ex))*dt) / Nor
+print 'L^2(0,T)-norm of the error on contact stress: ', Err
+if (do_final_plot):
+    plt.figure(2); # Displacement evolution at the contact boundary
+    plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,T,-0.15,0.6])
+    plt.plot(TT, store_u0_ex, 'red')
+    plt.plot(TT, store_u0, 'blue')
+    plt.ylabel('u(0)'); plt.xlabel('t')
+    plt.figure(3); # velocity evolution at the contact boundary
+    plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,T,-0.6,0.6])
+    plt.plot(TT, store_v0_ex, 'red')
+    plt.plot(TT, store_v0, 'blue')
+    plt.ylabel('v(0)'); plt.xlabel('t')
+    plt.figure(4); # stress evolution at the contact boundary
+    plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,T,-0.6,0.6])
+    plt.plot(TT, store_s0_ex, 'red')
+    plt.plot(TT, store_s0, 'blue')
+    plt.ylabel('contact pressure'); plt.xlabel('t')
+    plt.figure(5); # Energy evolution
+    plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,T,0,0.6])
+    plt.plot([0.,T], [1./8., 1./8.], 'red')
+    plt.plot(TT, store_E, 'blue')
+    plt.ylabel('Energy'); plt.xlabel('t')
+    plt.figure(6);
+    plt.subplot(311) # L2-norm of the error evolution
+    plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,T,0,0.6])
+    plt.plot(TT, store_UL2, 'blue')
+    plt.ylabel('$L^2$-error on $u$'); plt.xlabel('t')
+    plt.subplot(312) # L2-norm of the error evolution
+    plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,T,0,0.6])
+    plt.plot(TT, store_UH1, 'blue')
+    plt.ylabel('$H^1$-error on $u$'); plt.xlabel('t')
+    plt.subplot(313) # L2-norm of the error evolution
+    plt.cla(); plt.axis([0.,T,0,0.6])
+    plt.plot(TT, store_VL2, 'blue')
+    plt.ylabel('$L^2$-error on $v$'); plt.xlabel('t')
-def uExact(x, t):
-    # The solution is periodic of period 3
-    # Shift the time 't' with t=0 : beginning of the period
-    tp = rem(t,3.)
-    # The solution has 3 phases
-    # Shift the time 'tp' with t=0 : beginning of a phase
-    # and get also the phase number
-    tf = rem(tp,1.)
-    nf = floor(tp)
-    # Get the index of the zone in each phase : I, II, III, IV
-    # (zones are given according to characteristics of the wave equation)
-    if (tf<=x):
-        if (tf<=(1-x)): zone = 1; else: zone = 3;
-    else:
-        if (tf<=(1-x)): zone = 2; else: zone = 4;
-    # Solution according to the Phase (1,2,3) and the zone (I, II, III, IV)
-    if nf == 0:
-        if   zone == 1: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0.;
-        elif zone == 2: u = 1./2.-tf/2.;  dxu = 0.;      dtu = -1./2.;
-        elif zone == 3: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0;
-        elif zone == 4: u = 1./2.-tf/2.;  dxu = 0;       dtu = -1./2.;
-    elif nf == 1: 
-        if   zone == 1: u = -tf/2.;       dxu = 0;       dtu = -1./2.
-        elif zone == 2: u = -x/2.;        dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0;
-        elif zone == 3: u = -1./2.+x/2.;  dxu = 1./2.;   dtu = 0;
-        elif zone == 4: u = -1./2.+tf/2.; dxu = 0;       dtu = 1./2.;
-    elif nf == 2:
-        if   zone == 1: u = tf/2.;        dxu = 0;       dtu = 1./2.;
-        elif zone == 2: u = tf/2.;        dxu = 0;       dtu = 1./2.;
-        elif zone == 3: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0;
-        elif zone == 4: u = 1./2.-x/2.;   dxu = -1./2.;  dtu = 0.
-    return u

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