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Re: [gNewSense-art] CD cover art project

From: Sam Geeraerts
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-art] CD cover art project
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 18:10:59 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080420)

Luis A. Guzman Garcia wrote:
Hi everyone!

Among some ideas that are in my head, i wanted to share this one.

This is about a CD-cover and box for gNewSense.
It is not a high priority but i wanted to share what i already have.
Based on the Ubuntu box style (¬¬) i think is a simple, nice, cheap and
light box that we may use.

Thinking on that i started to work on the CD cover with the green
gNewSense color. Maybe is not the correct one for this release, every
one is invited to change it but i'll let that open to your good taste.

Also the CD-Box sizes and text, that IMHO could go on it, the text was
took from different sources, the website, wiki, and LiveCD mainly.

Here you can find the package containing all the stuff done

One of my goals is to build it in real i mean have a gNewSense box on my
hands :), that would be awesome.

As i said before this is not a high priority on the project but i would
like to have materialized all the effort that all the contributors have
done on the project. I think is a good tribute to them, to us!. :)

All comments are welcome!

* All logos and images are under a GLP, GFDL or Public Domain. So there
is no problem if we use them.

Excellent! This would have come in handy with my garage sale two weeks ago. Last year I had (besides a lot of junk) a set up with my laptop running Ubuntu and playing Elephants Dream and some CD's of both to give away. There wasn't a lot of interest, but at least I got some kid in my street to install it. I actually didn't get around to doing it this year. But CD covers are no less than essential for this kind of promotional stuff. It gives you a lot more credibility than with just a cheap looking CD-R with something scribbled on.

About the color: maybe it's a good idea to have a gNewSense color palette. Wouldn't that make the artwork easier and more consistent?

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