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[GNU ELPA] Hiddenquote version 1.2

From: ELPA update
Subject: [GNU ELPA] Hiddenquote version 1.2
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 05:28:47 -0400

Version 1.2 of package Hiddenquote has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Hiddenquote describes itself as:

  Major mode for doing hidden quote puzzles

More at

## Summary:

  hiddenquote is a kind of word puzzle where you have to read
  word definitions (the clues), and put the answers into a grid, using
  the provided syllables.  When the grid is complete, you should be able
  to read a quote in the highlighted cells.

  This word puzzle is known in Argentina as Claringrilla, because they are
  published by a national newspaper named "Clarín".

  This file contains all the hidden quote puzzle rendering, major mode
  and commands.  It also defines a source to retrieve puzzles of
  the hidden quote type, created by myself.

  M-x hiddenquote
  Select the source you want to retrieve the puzzle from.
  With a prefix argument, the command will prompt for a specific ID number.

## Recent NEWS:

[Not provided 🙁]

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