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Re: [gpsd-dev] Broken Regressions

From: Fred Wright
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] Broken Regressions
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2019 15:06:29 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (LRH 202 2017-01-01)

On Mon, 8 Apr 2019, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

Fred Wright <address@hidden>:
It looks like GPSD didn't handle the week rollover as well as most of the
receivers did, since there are now ten failing regression tests plus a whole
bunch of "gpsd:ERROR: date is negative!" messages.  Fortunately, I think
this only affects the tests and not the normal realtime operation.
A couple of spot checks look like it's hallucinating week-rollover issues on
some tests.

Yes, this was expected - I even lrft a comment somewhere noting that the
test suite needs to be rebuilt after an era rollover.  There is no help for
this, it is an unpresent and inevitable consequence of the way the GPS
calendar was designed.

Well, rebuilding the test data to consider dates in 2037 to be "correct" is insane (for the next couple of decades, anyway), and far worse than the current broken leap-second handling. It also doesn't fix the negative date problem (unless the test framework is modified to handle "expected errors").

The can could probably be kicked down the road a ways by using a base week that's not aligned to an era boundary, but not having it properly parameterized doesn't help. The *right* fix is to provide a way to give GPSD an appropriate reference date/time during tests, rather than always basing its behavior on "now".

BTW, the era-aligned wraparound handling is exactly the sort of incorrect thinking that's encouraged by the "pivot" terminology.

I plan to look into this, but it might be a couple of days before I have time.

Fred Wright

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