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Changes to html_node/Performance.html

From: Jim Meyering
Subject: Changes to html_node/Performance.html
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 01:24:25 -0500 (EST)

CVSROOT:        /webcvs/grep
Module name:    grep
Changes by:     Jim Meyering <meyering> 18/12/30 01:24:22

Index: html_node/Performance.html
RCS file: html_node/Performance.html
diff -N html_node/Performance.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ html_node/Performance.html  30 Dec 2018 06:24:22 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
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+<!-- This manual is for grep, a pattern matching engine.
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+<a name="Performance-1"></a>
+<h2 class="chapter">5 Performance</h2>
+<a name="index-performance"></a>
+<p>Typically <code>grep</code> is an efficient way to search text.  However,
+it can be quite slow in some cases, and it can search large files
+where even minor performance tweaking can help significantly.
+Although the algorithm used by <code>grep</code> is an implementation
+detail that can change from release to release, understanding its
+basic strengths and weaknesses can help you improve its performance.
+<p>The <code>grep</code> command operates partly via a set of automata that
+are designed for efficiency, and partly via a slower matcher that
+takes over when the fast matchers run into unusual features like
+back-references.  When feasible, the Boyer&ndash;Moore fast string
+searching algorithm is used to match a single fixed pattern, and the
+Aho&ndash;Corasick algorithm is used to match multiple fixed patterns.
+<a name="index-locales"></a>
+<p>Generally speaking <code>grep</code> operates more efficiently in
+single-byte locales, since it can avoid the special processing needed
+for multi-byte characters.  If your patterns will work just as well
+that way, setting <code>LC_ALL</code> to a single-byte locale can help
+performance considerably.  Setting &lsquo;<samp>LC_ALL='C'</samp>&rsquo; can be
+particularly efficient, as <code>grep</code> is tuned for that locale.
+<a name="index-case-insensitive-search-1"></a>
+<p>Outside the &lsquo;<samp>C</samp>&rsquo; locale, case-insensitive search, 
and search for
+bracket expressions like &lsquo;<samp>[a-z]</samp>&rsquo; and 
&lsquo;<samp>[[=a=]b]</samp>&rsquo;, can be
+surprisingly inefficient due to difficulties in fast portable access to
+concepts like multi-character collating elements.
+<a name="index-back_002dreferences"></a>
+<p>A back-reference such as &lsquo;<samp>\1</samp>&rsquo; can hurt performance 
+in some cases, since back-references cannot in general be implemented
+via a finite state automaton, and instead trigger a backtracking
+algorithm that can be quite inefficient.  For example, although the
+pattern &lsquo;<samp>^(.*)\1{14}(.*)\2{13}$</samp>&rsquo; matches only lines 
+lengths can be written as a sum <em>15x + 14y</em> for nonnegative
+integers <em>x</em> and <em>y</em>, the pattern matcher does not perform
+linear Diophantine analysis and instead backtracks through all
+possible matching strings, using an algorithm that is exponential in
+the worst case.
+<a name="index-holes-in-files"></a>
+<p>On some operating systems that support files with holes&mdash;large
+regions of zeros that are not physically present on secondary
+storage&mdash;<code>grep</code> can skip over the holes efficiently without
+needing to read the zeros.  This optimization is not available if the
+<samp>-a</samp> (<samp>--binary-files=text</samp>) option is used (see <a 
href="File-and-Directory-Selection.html#File-and-Directory-Selection">File and 
Directory Selection</a>), unless the <samp>-z</samp> (<samp>--null-data</samp>)
+option is also used (see <a href="Other-Options.html#Other-Options">Other 
+<p>For more about the algorithms used by <code>grep</code> and about
+related string matching algorithms, see:
+<li> Aho AV. Algorithms for finding patterns in strings.
+In: van Leeuwen J. <em>Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science</em>, vol. A.
+New York: Elsevier; 1990. p. 255&ndash;300.
+This surveys classic string matching algorithms, some of which are
+used by <code>grep</code>.
+</li><li> Aho AV, Corasick MJ. Efficient string matching: an aid to 
bibliographic search.
+<em>CACM</em>. 1975;18(6):333&ndash;40.
+This introduces the Aho&ndash;Corasick algorithm.
+</li><li> Boyer RS, Moore JS. A fast string searching algorithm.
+<em>CACM</em>. 1977;20(10):762&ndash;72.
+This introduces the Boyer&ndash;Moore algorithm.
+</li><li> Faro S, Lecroq T. The exact online string matching problem: a review
+of the most recent results.
+<em>ACM Comput Surv</em>. 2013;45(2):13.
+This surveys string matching algorithms that might help improve the
+performance of <code>grep</code> in the future.
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