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Re: [SPAM] RE: [Groff] Extending .tm to allow for file handles

From: Tom Borawski
Subject: Re: [SPAM] RE: [Groff] Extending .tm to allow for file handles
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 20:38:17 -0500 (EST)

Ted-- I have developed some bad "Bell Labs" habits since starting with
groff many years ago.  The source of my bad habits are the original
Bell Labs documentations.  The GNU extensions turn groff into an extremely
powerful tool.

the .tm macro is legacy Bell. These new macros really simplify things for me.

Thanks to all the Groff developers. You have no idea of how useful
you have turned what is possibly the oldest continuously used software

On Tue, 16 Feb 2010, address@hidden wrote:

Apologies for the following! I experienced a brief power failure
while composing a reply to Tom's query below, and (since emails
which are being edited for sending are stored in my outbox) when I
re-booted the stub of the reply (below) was automatically sent.

I will start again shortly (I have to do some other things right now).


On 16-Feb-10 09:18:38, Ted Harding wrote:

On 16-Feb-10 00:29:44, Tom Borawski wrote:
I was wondering if their is any possibility having .tm write
to anything other than STDOUT ? It would make managing forward
references (when used with 2 groff passes) much easier.

In other words for a forward reference (now I have to)

.so hand-edited-STDOUT-captured-text-with-reference.txt

{rest of document}

.tm \*[reference-info]

Is there any way this could be:

.so groff-auto-file.txt

{rest of document}

.tm FILEHANDLE \*[reference-info]

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 16-Feb-10                                       Time: 09:31:47
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