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[Groff] Having a problem with parsing output to html...

From: justin
Subject: [Groff] Having a problem with parsing output to html...
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 18:28:30 -0600 (MDT)
User-agent: Alpine 1.10 (DEB 962 2008-03-14)


I'm trying to parse my html using the "ms" macro. The command I'm using is:

cat | nroff -mms | groff -Thtml

A file is produced in HTML with the acception and some garbled characters. When the file is parsed, I get a few warning messages, four to be exact, they are:

<standard input>:12: warning: can't find character with input code 153
<standard input>:12: warning: can't find character with input code 144
<standard input>:12: warning: can't find character with input code 153
<standard input>:12: warning: can't find character with input code 144

I only get these error messanges for apostrophes.

I then decided to remove the apostrophes, which removes the warning messages, but leaves me with another strange problem. On the 11th line in my groff file, I have a third sentence, following two other sentence breaks in a paragraph. On the 11th in my groff file, an "â" character is found after 64 characters have been printed, within the word hamburger, the text gets parsed and printed as "hamâburger". If I change hamburger to donations
I have the "â" character show up at the 60th character on the line, with
donations being "donaâtions".

To continue, I decided to type some more gibberish, with some more sentences, along with some more breaks. I'm now greeted with another wierd situation on the 5th sentence break. I have continuous text with three sentences ending in a "." period. The first sentence is shown in it's place as intented, with the second and third sentences, lines 21 and 22 of my groff file, swapping places.

My file starts with:

.nr PS 12
.nr PO 1i
.nr LL 6.5i


The file then continues with a series of sentences and sentence breaks.

I also have three sentences as mentioned in the above situation after my 2nd break, these three sentences however are parsed fine with the exception of the word donations becoming "donaâtions"

I'm using groff version 1.18.1


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