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[Groff] Included files are not preprocessed

From: Anton Shepelev
Subject: [Groff] Included files are not preprocessed
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 18:33:14 +0400

Hello all,

I have a problem designing well-strucutred documents
consisting of several  files.   Files  included  via
.mso,  .so,  or -m, are never run through preproces-
sors.  For example, it is very incovenient to use  a
macro  package containing Russian text together with
-K, and it is  impossible  to  initialize  eqn  from
within an included file.

Another  option  could  be to list all those file as
parameters to groff, or send them to  groff's  stan-
dard  input,  but  this  has the disadvantage of the
need to create an individual make- or  .bat  or  .sh
script in which all the used files must be hard-cod-
ed, together with their paths.

I want to keep all the inclusions to the source file
itself like:

    .mso ant-stacks
    .mso ant-statement-form
    .\" and so on...
    Source of the document using above
    macro packages

making  it  more autonomous and portable, so that it
could be typeset with a generic groff commandline.

Can you suggest a way to achieve this?

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