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07/12: import/print: package->code: Wrap S-expression in definition.

From: guix-commits
Subject: 07/12: import/print: package->code: Wrap S-expression in definition.
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:43:21 -0400 (EDT)

rekado pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guix.

commit 86a3b540d08e0ece2a697f7caa6342a55394a6b3
Author: Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>
AuthorDate: Wed Apr 15 00:39:45 2020 +0200

    import/print: package->code: Wrap S-expression in definition.
    * guix/import/print.scm (package->code): Return a definition, not just a
    package expression.
 guix/import/print.scm | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guix/import/print.scm b/guix/import/print.scm
index 4529a79..08f3ec9 100644
--- a/guix/import/print.scm
+++ b/guix/import/print.scm
@@ -121,46 +121,47 @@ when evaluated."
         (home-page           (package-home-page package))
         (supported-systems   (package-supported-systems package))
         (properties          (package-properties package)))
-    `(package
-       (name ,name)
-       (version ,version)
-       (source ,(source->code source version))
-       ,@(match properties
-           (() '())
-           (_  `((properties ,properties))))
-       ,@(if replacement
-             `((replacement ,replacement))
-             '())
-       (build-system (@ (guix build-system ,(build-system-name build-system))
-                        ,(symbol-append (build-system-name build-system)
-                                        '-build-system)))
-       ,@(match arguments
-           (() '())
-           (args `((arguments ,(list 'quasiquote args)))))
-       ,@(match outputs
-           (("out") '())
-           (outs `((outputs (list ,@outs)))))
-       ,@(match native-inputs
-           (() '())
-           (pkgs `((native-inputs ,(package-lists->code pkgs)))))
-       ,@(match inputs
-           (() '())
-           (pkgs `((inputs ,(package-lists->code pkgs)))))
-       ,@(match propagated-inputs
-           (() '())
-           (pkgs `((propagated-inputs ,(package-lists->code pkgs)))))
-       ,@(if (lset= string=? supported-systems %supported-systems)
-             '()
-             `((supported-systems (list ,@supported-systems))))
-       ,@(match (map search-path-specification->code native-search-paths)
-           (() '())
-           (paths `((native-search-paths (list ,@paths)))))
-       ,@(match (map search-path-specification->code search-paths)
-           (() '())
-           (paths `((search-paths (list ,@paths)))))
-       (home-page ,home-page)
-       (synopsis ,synopsis)
-       (description ,description)
-       (license ,(if (list? license)
-                     `(list ,@(map license->code license))
-                     (license->code license))))))
+    `(define-public ,(string->symbol name)
+       (package
+         (name ,name)
+         (version ,version)
+         (source ,(source->code source version))
+         ,@(match properties
+             (() '())
+             (_  `((properties ,properties))))
+         ,@(if replacement
+               `((replacement ,replacement))
+               '())
+         (build-system (@ (guix build-system ,(build-system-name build-system))
+                          ,(symbol-append (build-system-name build-system)
+                                          '-build-system)))
+         ,@(match arguments
+             (() '())
+             (args `((arguments ,(list 'quasiquote args)))))
+         ,@(match outputs
+             (("out") '())
+             (outs `((outputs (list ,@outs)))))
+         ,@(match native-inputs
+             (() '())
+             (pkgs `((native-inputs ,(package-lists->code pkgs)))))
+         ,@(match inputs
+             (() '())
+             (pkgs `((inputs ,(package-lists->code pkgs)))))
+         ,@(match propagated-inputs
+             (() '())
+             (pkgs `((propagated-inputs ,(package-lists->code pkgs)))))
+         ,@(if (lset= string=? supported-systems %supported-systems)
+               '()
+               `((supported-systems (list ,@supported-systems))))
+         ,@(match (map search-path-specification->code native-search-paths)
+             (() '())
+             (paths `((native-search-paths (list ,@paths)))))
+         ,@(match (map search-path-specification->code search-paths)
+             (() '())
+             (paths `((search-paths (list ,@paths)))))
+         (home-page ,home-page)
+         (synopsis ,synopsis)
+         (description ,description)
+         (license ,(if (list? license)
+                       `(list ,@(map license->code license))
+                       (license->code license)))))))

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