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[bug#33298] [PATCH] gnu: clementine: Build with sqlite-with-column-metad

From: Pierre Langlois
Subject: [bug#33298] [PATCH] gnu: clementine: Build with sqlite-with-column-metadata.
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2018 09:41:55 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 26.1

Hi Guix!

Clementine's tests failed with the recent Qt update:

[==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 3 tests from ScopedTransactionTest
[ RUN      ] ScopedTransactionTest.OpensATransaction
13:37:41.705 WARN  ScopedTransaction:33             Rolling back transaction
[       OK ] ScopedTransactionTest.OpensATransaction (2 ms)
[ RUN      ] ScopedTransactionTest.RollbackOnDtor
./scopedtransaction_test: symbol lookup error: 
 undefined symbol: sqlite3_column_table_name16

It looks like it was due to removing the bundled sqlite from Qt and
using the 'sqlite-with-column-metadata' package for clementine fixes the issue.


Attachment: 0001-gnu-clementine-Build-with-sqlite-with-column-metadat.patch
Description: Text Data

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