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[bug#67512] [PATCH v4 1/4] gnu: Move icu4c-73 from gnuzilla to icu4c.

From: Ian Eure
Subject: [bug#67512] [PATCH v4 1/4] gnu: Move icu4c-73 from gnuzilla to icu4c.
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:56:57 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.8; emacs 29.1

Hi Mark,

Mark H Weaver <> writes:

Hi Ian,

Clément Lassieur <> writes:

I'm just confused by the description:

+    (description
+ "Full-featured browser client built from Firefox source tree, without +the official icon and the name \"firefox\". This is the Extended Support
+Release (ESR) version.")

The description above, apparently written by you, states that this browser is "Full-featured", and the only differences mentioned between Firefox and Librewolf are that it lacks the "official icon and the name

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is an artifact of the Firefox package definition I based this on, and isn’t an accurate description of LibreWolf. I’ll correct this in the next version.

Note that Firefox does not comply with the GNU FSDG. For example, Firefox supports EME, and that it also steers users towards nonfree software, notably nonfree addons. Therefore Firefox is not included in

Can you tell me more about the differences between Firefox and

I can’t enumerate every difference; if you have a question about specific feature(s), I’d be happy to answer that. In general:

- LibreWolf permits use of their name and logo.
- Telemetry is disabled.
- User-hostile things like ads for Mozilla VPN are removed.
- DRM is disabled by default (but can be enabled by the user).
- Default settings have been adjusted for more security and/or privacy.

This feature list covers most of the changes:

Additionally, the patch I submitted builds LibreWolf without EME support (which is what the other Firefox forks in Guix do); and uses GNU Mozzarella for extensions.


 — Ian

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