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[Health] GNUHealth-2.8 Installation Problems

From: Bernardo Augusto García Loaiza
Subject: [Health] GNUHealth-2.8 Installation Problems
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 09:57:12 -0500

Hi GNUHealth people

I am trying install the current stable version gnuhealth-2.8 and I have the following inconvenients:

My tryton configuration file is the following: /home/gnuhealth/gnuhealth/tryton/server/config/trytond.conf in which I am using the postgreSQL database

#uri = postgresql://localhost:5432
path = /home/gnuhealth/attach
db_type = postgresql
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5433
db_user = gnuhealth

[session] super_pwd = hii0R56JkUOTw

[jsonrpc] listen = *:8000

When I try the GNUHealth Database (based in this section I get the following output in my log console:

Why, show me the "Unable to ..." for some transactions on database?

However, I continue in the installation process, and I login in the gnuhealth system with th tryton-3.4.2 client interface

When my login is successful, I create the users, and when I try install the healthprofile modules when I pressed click on Start Upgrade button I get the following output in my log console

And in the side of my tryton client I get the following error:

​Why the notification make reference to sqlite whe I using postgresql server database?

However, the workflow that I made, let me see the form for add Company, but I know that the health profile modules weren't installed

Can somebody orient me a little about it?

I will be thankful.
Best Regards

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