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Re: [Health] Setting WebDAV CalDAV Email OpenSUSE GNUHealth

From: mmousa
Subject: Re: [Health] Setting WebDAV CalDAV Email OpenSUSE GNUHealth
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 06:20:21 -0400
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.2.2

Am Mittwoch, 9. August 2017, 12:55:05 CEST schrieb address@hidden:
Hello Sir,

Using OpenSUSE 42.3 GNUHealth 3.2.1, following tryton-server for
openSUSE README instructions was great help to set the server and
connect through clients.

Facing troubles setting the WebDAV, CalDAV and Email configuration. I
would appreciate some guidance.

Installation of the Webfrontend for tryton (sao) from source

In case you want to install sao from source:
sao bases on nodejs, and it comes as separate package. Download and
tryton-sao into a directory, say /srv/tryton-sao

Make sure you have nodejs and git installed:
zypper install nodejs git

Now change into to installation directory and install sao:
cd /srv/tryton-sao/package
npm install

Now you need to run grunt. make sure it is run from the locally installed
version: cd /srv/tryton-sao/package

Last but not least, edit /etc/tryton/trytond.conf
In the section [web], set the path:
root = /usr/lib/node-modules/tryton-sao

Now restart trytond.

Installed nodejs git, grunt, had to use --force. Successful with

changed the path into the directory

currently using the browser, the local IP:8000 opens tryton almost empty
page only tryton word and Toggle menu.

My trytond.conf

# /etc/tryton/trytond.conf - Configuration file for Tryton Server
# This file contains the most common settings for trytond (Defaults
# are commented).
# For more information read
# /usr/share/doc/packages/trytond

# Database related settings

# The URI to connect to the SQL database (following RFC-3986)
# uri = database://username:address@hidden:port/
# (Internal default: sqlite:// (i.e. a local SQLite database))
# PostgreSQL via Unix domain sockets
# (e.g. PostgreSQL database running on the same machine (localhost))
#uri = postgresql://tryton:tryton@/
# Postgres running on the same machine:

uri = postgresql:///

# PostgreSQL via TCP/IP
# (e.g. connecting to a PostgreSQL database running on a remote machine or
# by means of md5 authentication. Needs PostgreSQL to be configured to
accept # those connections (pg_hba.conf).)
#uri = postgresql://tryton:address@hidden:5432/

# The path to the directory where the Tryton Server stores files.
# The server must have write permissions to this directory.
# (Internal default: /var/lib/trytond)
path = /var/lib/tryton

# Shall available databases be listed in the client?
#list = True

# The number of retries of the Tryton Server when there are errors
# in a request to the database
#retry = 5

# The primary language, that is used to store entries in translatable
# fields into the database.
#language = en_US

# SSL settings
# Activation of SSL for all available protocols.
# Uncomment the following settings for key and certificate
# to enable SSL.

# The path to the private key
#privatekey = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

# The path to the certificate
#certificate = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem

# Settings for the JSON-RPC network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
# (Internal default: localhost:8000)
# Listen on all interfaces (IPv4)
# Listen on all interfaces (IPv4 and IPv6)
#listen = [::]:8000

# The hostname for this interface
#hostname =

# The root path to retrieve data for GET requests
#data = "" />
# Settings for the XML-RPC network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
#listen = localhost:8069

# Settings for the WebDAV network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
LISTEN = *:8080

# Session settings

# The time (in seconds) until an inactive session expires

timeout = 7600

# The server administration password used by the client for
# the execution of database management tasks. It is encrypted
# using using the Unix crypt(3) routine. A password can be
# generated using the following command line (on one line):
# $ python -c 'import getpass,crypt,random,string; \
# print crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass(), \
# "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8)))'
# Example password with 'admin'
super_pwd = jkUbZGvFNeugk

# Mail settings

# The URI to connect to the SMTP server.
# Available protocols are:
# - smtp: simple SMTP
# - smtp+tls: SMTP with STARTTLS
# - smtps: SMTP with SSL
#uri = smtp://localhost:25

# The From address used by the Tryton Server to send emails.
#from = address@hidden

# Report settings

# Unoconv parameters for connection to the unoconv service.
#unoconv = pipe,name=trytond;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext

# Module settings
# Some modules are reading configuration parameters from this
# configuration file. These settings only apply when those modules
# are installed.
# The URI to connect to the LDAP server.
#uri = ldap://host:port/dn?attributes?scope?filter?extensions
# A basic default URL could look like
#uri = ldap://localhost:389/

# Path for the web-frontend



I tried root=/srv/tryton-sao/package, the issue is still there.
# Settings for the WebDAV network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
LISTEN = *:8080
But ip:8080 refuse connection, but ip:8000 opens tryton word in the browser.
I changed the port currently into 8000 but the same situation.

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