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Re: [Help-bash] The best way to monitor the number of concurrently runni

From: Aleksey Tsalolikhin
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] The best way to monitor the number of concurrently running processes forked by a main bash script ?
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 04:15:01 -0700

Could you monitor by parent process id?

The "ps" man page documents the parent process id option:

       --ppid pidlist
              Select by parent process ID.  This selects the processes with
              parent process ID in pidlist.  That is, it selects processes
              that are children of those listed in pidlist.

In other words, *something* must be creating these processes -- use the PID
of the *something*, and then you'll see all its children.  You could run
your "ps" command using the "watch" utility, and it would show you the
various children as they come and go.  (In your case, the PID of the bash
script that is forking the children.)


On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 8:25 PM Peng Yu <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to monitor the number of concurrently running processes forked
> from a bash script. I could use things like top. But I don't think
> this can easily monitor the processes especially when processes finish
> very quickly. Probably a way that is native to bash might be better.
> Is it possible?
> What is the best way to monitor this info? Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Peng

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