/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution * of SWIG, and the README file for authors - http://www.swig.org/release.html. * * gst.cxx * * gst language module for SWIG. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* rbw */ char cvsroot_gst_cxx[] = "$Header: /cvsroot/swig/SWIG/Source/Modules/gst.cxx,v 1.12 2006/11/28 10:19:50 rbwatson Exp $"; #include "swigmod.h" #include #include class GST:public Language { public: File *f_st; String *module; virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]); virtual int top(Node *n); virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n); virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n); virtual int classDeclaration(Node *n); virtual int enumDeclaration(Node *n); private: String *get_ffi_type(SwigType *ty); String *convert_literal(String *num_param, String *type); String *strip_parens(String *string); String *camel_case(bool, String *string); int extern_all_flag; int pseudo_enums_flag; int cstructs_flag; int is_function; }; //converted void GST::main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; SWIG_library_directory("gst"); SWIG_config_file("gst.swg"); extern_all_flag = 0; pseudo_enums_flag = 0; cstructs_flag = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-help")) { Printf(stdout, "gst Options (available with -gst)\n"); Printf(stdout, " -extern-all\n" "\t If this option is given then gst definitions for all the functions\n" "will be created otherwise only definitions for externed functions\n" "are created.\n" " -generate-pseudo-enums\n" "\t If this option is given then methods will be created for enum\n" "names and values.\n" " -generate-cstructs\n" "\t If this option is given then cstructs will be created.\n"); } else if ((Strcmp(argv[i], "-extern-all") == 0)) { extern_all_flag = 1; Swig_mark_arg(i); } else if ((Strcmp(argv[i], "-generate-pseudo-enums") == 0)) { pseudo_enums_flag = 1; Swig_mark_arg(i); } else if ((Strcmp(argv[i], "-generate-cstructs") == 0)) { cstructs_flag = 1; Swig_mark_arg(i); } } } int GST::top(Node *n) { File *f_null = NewString(""); /* Get the output file name */ String *outfile = Getattr(n, "outfile"); String *output_filename; module = camel_case(true, Getattr(n, "name")); if (!outfile) output_filename = outfile; else { output_filename = NewString(""); Printf(output_filename, "%s%s.st", SWIG_output_directory(),Getattr(n, "name")); } f_st = NewFile(output_filename, "w+"); if (!f_st) { FileErrorDisplay(output_filename); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Swig_register_filebyname("header", f_null); Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_null); Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_null); String *header = NewStringf ("\"This is an automatically generated file. Make changes as you feel are necessary\"\n\"(but remember that if you try to regenerate this file, your changes will be lost.)\" \n\nObject subclass: #%s\n instanceVariableNames: \'\'\n classVariableNames: \'\'\n poolDictionaries: \'\'\n category: \'%s wrapper\'!\n!\n\nDLD addLibrary: \'+Libraryname\'!\n", module, module); Language::top(n); long len = Tell(f_st); Printf(f_st, "%s", header); long end = Tell(f_st); for (len--; len >= 0; len--) { end--; Seek(f_st, len, SEEK_SET); int ch = Getc(f_st); Seek(f_st, end, SEEK_SET); Putc(ch, f_st); } Seek(f_st, 0, SEEK_SET); Write(f_st, Char(header), Len(header)); Close(f_st); Delete(f_st); return SWIG_OK; } int GST::functionWrapper(Node *n) { is_function = 1; String *storage = Getattr(n, "storage"); if (!extern_all_flag && (!storage || (Strcmp(storage, "extern") && Strcmp(storage, "externc")))) return SWIG_OK; String *func_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); ParmList *pl = Getattr(n, "parms"); int argnum = 0, first = 1; // Printf(f_st, "\n!%s class methodsFor: \'C call-outs\'!\n", module); Printf(f_st, "\n%s", camel_case(false, func_name)); for (Parm *p = pl; p; p = nextSibling(p), argnum++) { String *argname = Getattr(p, "name"); String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(Getattr(p, "type")); int tempargname = 0; if (!argname) { argname = NewStringf("arg%d", argnum); tempargname = 1; } if(first) { Printf(f_st, ": a%s%d ", camel_case(true, ffitype), argnum); first = 0; } else { Printf(f_st, "%s: a%s%d ", camel_case(false, argname), camel_case(true, ffitype), argnum); } Delete(ffitype); if (tempargname) Delete(argname); } Printf(f_st, "\n !\n"); return SWIG_OK; } int GST::constantWrapper(Node *n) { is_function = 0; String *type = Getattr(n, "type"); String *converted_value = convert_literal(Getattr(n, "value"), type); String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); // Printf(f_st, "\n!%s class methodsFor: 'Constants'!\n", module); Replace(converted_value, "\"", "\'", DOH_REPLACE_ANY); Printf(f_st, "\n%s\n ^%s!\n", camel_case(false, name), converted_value); Delete(converted_value); return SWIG_OK; } int GST::enumDeclaration(Node *n) { is_function = 0; int count = 0; if(!pseudo_enums_flag) return SWIG_OK; // Printf(f_st, "\n!%s class methodsFor: 'Constants'!\n", module); Printf(f_st, "\n\"Start enum analogue\"\n"); for (Node *c = firstChild(n); c; c = nextSibling(c)) { String *slot_name = Getattr(c, "name"); String *slot_value = Getattr(c, "enumvalue"); int len = Len(slot_value); if(len == 0) { Printf(f_st, "\n%s\n ^%d!\n", camel_case(false, slot_name), count); ++count; } else { Printf(f_st, "\n%s\n ^$%s!\n", camel_case(false, slot_name), slot_value); } Delete(slot_name); Delete(slot_value); } Printf(f_st, "\n\"End enum analogue\"\n"); return SWIG_OK; } // Includes structs int GST::classDeclaration(Node *n) { is_function = 0; if(!cstructs_flag) return SWIG_OK; String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind"); if (Strcmp(kind, "struct")) { Printf(stderr, "Don't know how to deal with %s kind of class yet.\n", kind); Printf(stderr, " (name: %s)\n", name); //SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Printf(f_st, "\nCStruct subclass: #%s\n", camel_case(true, name)); Printf(f_st, " declaration: #("); for (Node *c = firstChild(n); c; c = nextSibling(c)) { if (Strcmp(nodeType(c), "cdecl")) { Printf(stderr, "Structure %s has a slot that we can't deal with.\n", name); Printf(stderr, "nodeType: %s, name: %s, type: %s\n", nodeType(c), Getattr(c, "name"), Getattr(c, "type")); //SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); Printf(f_st, ")>!\n"); return SWIG_OK; /* xxx */ } String *temp = Copy(Getattr(c, "decl")); Append(temp, Getattr(c, "type")); //appending type to the end, otherwise wrong type String *lisp_type = get_ffi_type(temp); Delete(temp); String *slot_name = Getattr(c, "sym:name"); Printf(f_st, "\n (#%s #%s)", camel_case(false, slot_name), lisp_type); Delete(lisp_type); } Printf(f_st, ")\n"); Printf(f_st, " classVariableNames: \'\'\n"); Printf(f_st, " poolDictionaries: \'\'\n"); Printf(f_st, " category: \'%s Wrapper\'!\n", camel_case(true, name)); return SWIG_OK; } /* utilities */ /* returns new string w/ parens stripped */ String *GST::strip_parens(String *string) { char *s = Char(string), *p; int len = Len(string); String *res; if (len == 0 || s[0] != '(' || s[len - 1] != ')') { return NewString(string); } p = (char *) malloc(len - 2 + 1); if (!p) { Printf(stderr, "Malloc failed\n"); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strncpy(p, s + 1, len - 1); p[len - 2] = 0; /* null terminate */ res = NewString(p); free(p); return res; } /* returns a camel-case string */ String *GST::camel_case(bool isclass, String *string) { char *s = Char(Swig_string_lower(string)), *p; String *cb; int i = 0, j = 0, hump = 0; p = (char *) malloc(Len(string) + 1); if (!p) { Printf(stderr, "Malloc failed\n"); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for( ; s[i]; i++ ) { if(s[i] == '_') { hump = 1; } else { if(hump) { p[j] = toupper(s[i]); hump = 0; } else { p[j] = s[i]; } j++; } } p[j] = '\0'; if(isclass == true) p[0] = toupper(p[0]); else p[0] = tolower(p[0]); cb = NewString(p); free(p); return cb; } String *GST::convert_literal(String *num_param, String *type) { String *num = strip_parens(num_param), *res; char *s = Char(num); /* Make sure doubles use 'd' instead of 'e' */ if (!Strcmp(type, "double")) { String *updated = Copy(num); if (Replace(updated, "e", "d", DOH_REPLACE_ANY) > 1) { Printf(stderr, "Weird!! number %s looks invalid.\n", num); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Delete(num); return updated; } if (SwigType_type(type) == T_CHAR) { /* Use GST syntax for character literals */ return NewStringf("$%s", num_param); } else if (SwigType_type(type) == T_STRING) { /* Use GST syntax for string literals */ return NewStringf("\'%s\'", num_param); } if (Len(num) < 2 || s[0] != '0') { return num; } /* octal or hex */ res = NewStringf("%s%s", s[1] == 'x' ? "16r" : "8r", s + 2); Delete(num); return res; } String *GST::get_ffi_type(SwigType *ty) { Hash *typemap = Swig_typemap_search("in", ty, "", 0); if (typemap) { String *typespec = Getattr(typemap, "code"); return NewString(typespec); } else if (SwigType_ispointer(ty)) { SwigType *cp = Copy(ty); SwigType_del_pointer(cp); String *inner_type = get_ffi_type(cp); if (SwigType_isfunction(cp)) { return inner_type; } String *str = NewStringf("cObject"); Delete(cp); Delete(inner_type); return str; } else if (SwigType_isarray(ty)) { SwigType *cp = Copy(ty); String *array_dim = SwigType_array_getdim(ty, 0); if (!Strcmp(array_dim, "")) { //dimension less array convert to pointer Delete(array_dim); SwigType_del_array(cp); SwigType_add_pointer(cp); String *str = get_ffi_type(cp); Delete(cp); return str; } else { SwigType_pop_arrays(cp); String *inner_type = get_ffi_type(cp); Delete(cp); int ndim = SwigType_array_ndim(ty); String *dimension; if (ndim == 1) { dimension = array_dim; } else { dimension = array_dim; for (int i = 1; i < ndim; i++) { array_dim = SwigType_array_getdim(ty, i); Append(dimension, " "); Append(dimension, array_dim); Delete(array_dim); } String *temp = dimension; dimension = NewStringf("(%s)", dimension); Delete(temp); } String *str; if (is_function) // str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-ptr (ffi:c-array %s %s))", inner_type, dimension); str = NewStringf("cObject"); else // str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-array %s %s)", inner_type, dimension); str = NewStringf("cObjectPtr"); Delete(inner_type); Delete(dimension); return str; } } else if (SwigType_isfunction(ty)) { SwigType *cp = Copy(ty); SwigType *fn = SwigType_pop_function(cp); String *args = NewString(""); ParmList *pl = SwigType_function_parms(fn); if (ParmList_len(pl) != 0) { Printf(args, "(:arguments "); } int argnum = 0, first = 1; for (Parm *p = pl; p; p = nextSibling(p), argnum++) { String *argname = Getattr(p, "name"); SwigType *argtype = Getattr(p, "type"); String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(argtype); int tempargname = 0; if (!argname) { argname = NewStringf("arg%d", argnum); tempargname = 1; } if (!first) { Printf(args, "\n\t\t"); } Printf(args, "(%s %s)", argname, ffitype); first = 0; Delete(ffitype); if (tempargname) Delete(argname); } if (ParmList_len(pl) != 0) { Printf(args, ")\n"); /* finish arg list */ } String *ffitype = get_ffi_type(cp); String *str = NewStringf("(ffi:c-function %s \t\t\t\t(:return-type %s))", args, ffitype); Delete(fn); Delete(args); Delete(cp); Delete(ffitype); return str; } String *str = SwigType_str(ty, 0); if (str) { char *st = Strstr(str, "struct"); if (st) { st += 7; return NewString(st); } char *cl = Strstr(str, "class"); if (cl) { cl += 6; return NewString(cl); } } return str; } extern "C" Language *swig_gst(void) { return new GST(); }