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[Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] Two more Regex methods

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] [PATCH] Two more Regex methods
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2007 15:16:00 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070604)

Like #copyReplaceRegex:with: and #copyReplacingAllRegex:with:, but not answering a copy if not necessary.

Applied to 2.3 and 3.0.

--- orig/kernel/
+++ mod/kernel/
@@ -554,16 +554,62 @@ occurrencesOfRegex: pattern
     ^self occurrencesOfRegex: pattern from: 1 to: self size.
+replacingRegex: pattern with: str
+    "Returns the receiver if the pattern has no match in it.  If it has
+     a match, it is replaced with str after substituting %n sequences
+     with the captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%)."
+    | regs beg end repl res |
+    regs := self searchRegexInternal: pattern from: 1 to: self size.
+    regs isNil ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+    beg := regs from.
+    end := regs to.
+    repl := str % regs.
+    ^(res := self species new: self size - (end - beg + 1) + repl size)
+       replaceFrom: 1 to: beg - 1 with: self startingAt: 1;
+       replaceFrom: beg to: beg + repl size - 1 with: repl startingAt: 1;
+       replaceFrom: beg + repl size to: res size with: self startingAt: end + 1
+replacingAllRegex: pattern with: str
+    "Returns the receiver if the pattern has no match in it.  Otherwise,
+     any match of pattern in that part of the string is replaced with
+     str after substituting %n sequences with the captured subexpressions
+     of the match (as in #%)."
+    | res idx regex beg end regs |
+    regex := pattern asRegex.
+    regs := self searchRegexInternal: regex from: 1 to: self size.
+    regs isNil ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+    res := WriteStream on: (String new: self size).
+    idx := 1.
+    [
+       beg := regs from.
+       end := regs to.
+       res next: beg - idx putAll: self startingAt: idx.
+       res nextPutAll: (str % regs).
+       idx := end + 1.
+       beg > end ifTrue: [ res nextPut: (self at: idx). idx := idx + 1 ].
+       idx > self size ifTrue: [ ^res contents ].
+        regs := self searchRegexInternal: regex from: idx to: self size.
+       regs isNil
+    ] whileFalse.
+    res next: self size - idx + 1 putAll: self startingAt: idx.
+    ^res contents
 copyFrom: from to: to replacingRegex: pattern with: str
     "Returns the substring of the receiver between from and to.  
      If pattern has a match in that part of the string, the match
      is replaced with str after substituting %n sequences with the 
      captured subexpressions of the match (as in #%)."
     | regs beg end repl res |
-    regs := self searchRegex: pattern from: from to: to.
+    regs := self searchRegexInternal: pattern from: from to: to.
-    regs matched
-       ifTrue: [
+    regs isNil
+       ifFalse: [
            beg := regs from.
            end := regs to.
            repl := str % regs.
@@ -571,7 +625,7 @@ copyFrom: from to: to replacingRegex: pa
            res replaceFrom: 1 to: beg - from with: self startingAt: from.
            res replaceFrom: beg - from + 1 to: beg - from + repl size with: 
            res replaceFrom: beg - from + repl size + 1 to: res size with: self 
startingAt: end - from + 2 ]
-       ifFalse: [ res := self copyFrom: from to: to ].
+       ifTrue: [ res := self copyFrom: from to: to ].
@@ -595,9 +649,9 @@ copyFrom: from to: to replacingAllRegex:
     res := WriteStream on: (String new: to - from + 1).
     idx := from.
-        regs := self searchRegex: regex from: idx to: to.
-       regs matched
-    ] whileTrue: [
+        regs := self searchRegexInternal: regex from: idx to: to.
+       regs isNil
+    ] whileFalse: [
        beg := regs from.
        end := regs to.
        res next: beg - idx putAll: self startingAt: idx.

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