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Re: [Help-smalltalk] Gtk event loop

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] Gtk event loop
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 17:33:46 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100120 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc12 Lightning/1.0b2pre Thunderbird/3.0.1

Despite the apparent harshness of the review, it's really good stuff. Thanks!

Go through the comments in the order I mention (see asterisked numbers; each number refers to the text before) and commit the solution to each part (which may not be exactly what I write of course!) separately so it's easy to understand when things wrong.

So let's start... first: where is the ChangeLog? :-)

+    handleInnerEvent [
+       | event |
+        event := GTK.Gtk events.
+        event ifNotNil: [ | args |
+            args := Array new: event n_params value.
+            1 to: args size do: [ :i | args at: i put: (event data value at: i 
- 1) ].
+            [ ^ (event receiver value perform: event selector value 
withArguments: args) ] on: Exception do: [ :exception |
+               Behavior debuggerClass open ] ]
+    ]

Why the handler? It shouldn't be necessary as the inner event runs in its own Smalltalk process. *10*

+    insideLoop [
+       | event |
+        eventSem wait.
+        event := GTK.Gtk events.
+        event ifNotNil: [ | args |
+            args := Array new: event n_params value.
+            1 to: args size do: [ :i | args at: i put: (event data value at: i 
- 1) ].
+            [ GTK.Gtk result: (event receiver value perform: event selector 
value withArguments: args) mutex: event mutex value ] on: Exception do: [ 
:exception |
+               event status value: 0.
+               Behavior debuggerClass open.
+               GTK.Gtk result: nil mutex: event mutex value ] ]

What about something like this instead, trapping Exception is almost always wrong (you trap Notification and Warning as well):

[ [ result := event receiver value perform: event selector value withArguments: args ]
   on: System.UnhandledException do: [ :ex |
       event status value: 0.
       ex pass ] ]
           ensure: [ GTK.Gtk result: result mutex: event mutex value ]


-       sem := Semaphore new.
-       GTK.Gtk main: sem.

+       eventSem:= Semaphore new.
+       GTK.Gtk eventSemaphore: eventSem.
+      GTK.Gtk mainLoop.
+       [ self insideLoop.

What about instead keeping more of the old code: *3*

   sem := Semaphore new.
   GTK.Gtk mainLoop: sem.
   [ self insideLoop: sem


(BTW I'd rename insideLoop to #processEvents or something like that). *2*

+          true ] whileTrue: [ "DOES NOT WORK ::::::  Processor yield" ]

Is it needed at all, since we yield when waiting on sem? *1*  Just do

    [ self insideLoop ] repeat

(or the similar thing with sem if you accept my suggestion above).

diff --git a/packages/gtk/ b/packages/gtk/
index a07ae29..d16210d 100644
--- a/packages/gtk/
+++ b/packages/gtk/
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ Gtk class extend [

-    main: aSemaphore [
+    mainLoop [
        <category: 'C call-outs'>
-       <asyncCCall: 'gstGtkMain' args: #(#smalltalk )>
+       <asyncCCall: 'gstGtkMain' args: #()>

Doesn't need to be asynchronous anymore. In fact, I'd like to deprecate #asyncCCall:, I'm not even sure I understand their implications.

Just make it return void. *4*

+static OOP result = NULL;

This is never read?!?

Also, maybe you want to move it to SmalltalkClosureStruct. *5*

+typedef struct SmalltalkClosureStruct {
+  OOP receiver;
+  OOP selector;
+  OOP *data;
+  OOP widget;
+  int n_params;
+  GMutex *mutex;
+  int status
+} SmalltalkClosureStruct;
+static SmalltalkClosureStruct *event;

Does not need to be static. *6*

-static void my_gtk_main (OOP semaphore);
+static void my_gtk_main ();

As above, consider keeping the parameter. *3*

+  event = malloc (sizeof (*event));

Nowhere freed. *7*

+  event->receiver = stc->receiver;
+  event->selector = stc->selector;

registerOOP on these and args. Even better, construct a DirectedMessage object so that #insideLoop and #handleInnerEvent can just do "event message value send". Right now they have duplicated code! *7*

+  if (g_thread_self () != main_thread) {

g_thread_equal. *8*

+    event->mutex = g_mutex_new ();
+    g_mutex_lock (event->mutex);
+    _gst_vm_proxy->syncSignal (event_sem, true);
+    _gst_vm_proxy->wakeUp ();
+    g_mutex_lock (event->mutex);

Locking twice is surely wrong? *9*

+    // Smalltalk event handling raises an exception launch an inner
+    // event loop
+    //
+    if (event->status == 0)
+      gtk_main ();

Longer longer longer explanation needed? (And no // comments). Actually, let's postpone this to after the next iteration.

+set_event_semaphore (OOP semaphore)
+  event_sem = semaphore;
+  _gst_vm_proxy->registerOOP (semaphore);

Unnecessary if you pass the semaphore to my_gtk_main. *3*

+set_result (OOP anObject, GMutex *mutex)
+  result = anObject;
+  g_mutex_unlock (mutex);

Pass back the entire events struct so that you can also call unregisterOOP, free the args, and free the struct itself. If you make it like this:

set_event_result (SmalltalkClosureStruct *event, OOP anObject)
  event->result = anObject;
  g_mutex_unlock (event->mutex);

you can even declare it as an instance-side method in SmalltalkClosureStruct. Much nicer that way! *5*

-       self
+       "self
            connectSignal: 'paste-clipboard' to: self selector: #paste 
userData: nil;
              connectSignal: 'cut-clipboard' to: self selector: #cut userData: 

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ GTK.GtkTextView subclass: GtkTextWidget [
              connectSignal: 'begin-user-action' to: self selector: 
#'beginUserAction' userData: nil;
              connectSignal: 'end-user-action' to: self selector: 
#'endUserAction' userData: nil;
              connectSignal: 'insert-text' to: self selector: 
#'insert:at:text:size:' userData: nil;
-            connectSignal: 'delete-range' to: self selector: 
#'delete:from:to:' userData: nil
+            connectSignal: 'delete-range' to: self selector: #'delete:from:to:' 
userData: nil"

What's the problem? Things like this should not be there for the new event loop to go in.

        <category: 'file events'>

        (GTK.GtkFileChooserDialog save: 'Save image as...' parent: window)
-           runNonBlockingAndDo: [ :dlg :res |
-               imageName := dlg getFilename.
-               dlg destroy.
-               res = GTK.Gtk gtkResponseAccept ifTrue: [ self saveImage: [ 
ObjectMemory snapshot: imageName ] ] ]
+           run

Same here of course.

-<start>VisualGST.VisualGST open.
-    GTK.Gtk main</start>
+        | a |
+       VisualGST.VisualGST open.
+       [ GTK.Gtk main ] fork.
+       a := Semaphore new.
+       a wait.
+       'byebye' printNl.

This is just debugging code I guess?


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