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[Help-smalltalk] C Callouts issue

From: Stephen Woolerton
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] C Callouts issue
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:26:12 +1200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130620 Thunderbird/17.0.7

Hi everyone,

I've been writing a tutorial on C Callouts from GNU Smalltalk, and am
trying to get a couple of C callout scenarios to work. I'm having
difficulty when there is an argument in the callout, which is a

Given a C header of :-
struct       Note {
   int         id;
   char*       memo;     //variable length
   long        modified; //timestamp
extern struct Note* newBlankNote(unsigned int *resultCode);
extern unsigned int initializeNote(struct Note *note);

I created a Smalltalk class with mappings as follows:
CStruct subclass: CNote [
        <declaration: #( (#id  #int)
                         (#memomemo #string)
                         (#modified #long))>

  CNote class >> newBlankNote: retVal [
     <cCall: 'newBlankNote' returning: #{CNote} args: #(#{CObject})>
  initializeNote: aNote [
     <cCall: 'initializeNote' returning: #uint args: (#self)>

And inside the smalltalk script, I have this...
| note retVal |
retVal := 0.
note := CNote newBlankNote: retVal.

The error I'm receiving is...
./ Attempt to pass an instance of SmallInteger as a void *
Object: CFunctionDescriptor new: 1 "<0x7f935dbc4a10>" error: primitive
operation failed
SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed(Exception)>>signal (
SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed class(Exception class)>>signal
CFunctionDescriptor(Object)>>primitiveFailed (
CFunctionDescriptor(CCallable)>>callNoRetryFrom:into: (
CFunctionDescriptor(CCallable)>>callInto: (
CNote class>>newBlankNote: (
UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (

If I modify the scripts so that retVal is a standard "unsigned int" and
not a pointer, this callout works.

Also: if I try to run this code...
| note retVal |
note := CNote new.
retVal := note initializeNote.

I'm getting a similar error, namely...
./ Attempt to pass an instance of ValueHolder as a void *
Object: CFunctionDescriptor new: 1 "<0x7f935dbc6aa0>" error: primitive
operation failed
SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed(Exception)>>signal (
SystemExceptions.PrimitiveFailed class(Exception class)>>signal
CFunctionDescriptor(Object)>>primitiveFailed (
CFunctionDescriptor(CCallable)>>callNoRetryFrom:into: (
CFunctionDescriptor(CCallable)>>callInto: (
CNote>>initializeNote (
UndefinedObject>>executeStatements (

The full code (C library, C test program, and smalltalk script) is
viewable at this URL:

I'm using GNU Smalltalk 3.2.5 on a copy of Gentoo Linux, and if someone could be so kind as to assist me finding the problem, this will be much appreciated.


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