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[bug #64752] [request] make the "next" hyperlink take you the next page,

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: [bug #64752] [request] make the "next" hyperlink take you the next page, even if deeper in the hierarchy
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2023 05:25:34 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #6, bug #64752 (project octave):

It is possible, there is a direction that corresponds to next in reading
order, called 'Forward' (and there is one for previous in reading order, which
is called 'Back'). Now, the difficulty is how to add it to the header buttons.
I attach an init file that adds the 'Forward' direction after a space button
to all the possibilities for buttons. This may not be suitable for your case,
but gives you an idea on how to do that.

Information on directions:

Information on calling user defined functions:

Information on buttons

(file #55234)


Additional Item Attachment:

File name:          Size:0 KB


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