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[zile-devel] [patch] Adjustment of the default config for backups

From: Nicolas Duboc
Subject: [zile-devel] [patch] Adjustment of the default config for backups
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 15:00:40 +0200
User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (Debian)


 While testing my Debian package for zile 2.2.17 I found a bug in the
current state of the backup system.

 Contrarily to what the doc says, make-backup-files defaults to false
(nil). It's because this variable is not declared in tbl_vars.h.

 Then I found that the actual default value for backup-directory is
"~/.backup" (doc says nil). I think nil is a better default value
because ~/.backup will certainly not exist on user's account and will
produce errors on save.

 The following patch corrects these two issues. The patch also remove
obsolete variables from tbl_vars.h, correct a typo and document the
behavior when backup-directory is nil.


Nicolas Duboc <address@hidden>

diff -ur /home/nico/src/zile-2.2.17/doc/dotzile.sample ./doc/dotzile.sample
--- /home/nico/src/zile-2.2.17/doc/dotzile.sample       2006-07-18 
02:48:09.000000000 +0200
+++ ./doc/dotzile.sample        2006-08-18 14:44:40.000000000 +0200
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
 ; Specify target backup directory [default: nil]
 ; If set to a directory name (which must exist), backups are created
-; in that directory.
+; in that directory. Otherwise backups are created alongside the
+; backuped file.
 (setq backup-directory nil)
 ; Rebind keys
diff -ur /home/nico/src/zile-2.2.17/src/tbl_vars.h ./src/tbl_vars.h
--- /home/nico/src/zile-2.2.17/src/tbl_vars.h   2006-07-25 14:27:02.000000000 
+++ ./src/tbl_vars.h    2006-08-18 14:43:09.000000000 +0200
@@ -11,28 +11,15 @@
  *   - "b" for boolean ("t" or "nil");
  *   - "" (empty string) for non-fixed format.
  * The third column specifies the default value.
- * The third column specifies whether the variable becomes local when set.
+ * The fourth column specifies whether the variable becomes local when set.
  * The fifth column specifies the variable documentation.
 X("auto-fill-mode",                    "b", "nil", FALSE, "\
 If enabled, the Auto Fill Mode is automatically enabled.")
-X("backup-directory",                  "", "~/.backup", FALSE, "\
+X("backup-directory",                  "", "nil", FALSE, "\
 Specify target backup directory.  Directory must be existent.\n\
-This value is used only when the `backup-with-directory' value is true.")
-X("backup-method",                     "", "simple", FALSE, "\
-Specify the file backup method.\n\
-Possible values are: none and simple.\n\
- - If `none' is specified, Zile will not create backup files.\n\
- - If `simple' is specified, Zile will create a backup file with a\n\
-   tilde `~' appended to the name (e.g.: on saving `foo.c' it will\n\
-   create the backup `foo.c~').")
-X("backup-with-directory",             "b", "nil", FALSE, "\
-If enabled Zile will backup files to a user specified directory;\n\
-the directory must exist and must be specified in the\n\
-variable `backup-directory'.")
+This value is used only when the `make-backup-files' value is true.")
 X("beep",                              "b", "t", FALSE, "\
 If enabled, a sound will be emitted on any error.")
 X("case-fold-search",                  "b", "t", TRUE, "\
@@ -49,6 +36,9 @@
 X("kill-whole-line",                   "b", "nil", FALSE, "\
 If enabled, `kill-line' with no arg at beg of line kills the whole line.")
+X("make-backup-files",                 "b", "t", FALSE, "\
+If enabled, Zile will create a backup file with a tilde `~' appended\n\
+to the file name")
 X("skip-splash-screen",                        "b", "nil", FALSE, "\
 If enabled, the splash screen at startup will be avoided.")
 X("standard-indent",                   "", "4", FALSE, "\

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