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Re: Problem with german umlauts and with mapping text to notes

From: Lukas-Fabian Moser
Subject: Re: Problem with german umlauts and with mapping text to notes
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2019 15:52:58 +0100
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Hi Klaus,

Note that \lyricsto implicitly starts \lyricmode. (Also I'd recommend
writing Mond __ if the note with the syllable "Mond" has a tie.)
That one is a bit tricky.

It is a half and a quarter note that should sound like a dotted half
note. But the "Mond" should be sung only on the half note and the
quarter note should be silent.

So my "Mond _" consumes the "b" after the compound note which should be
the "ü". from "überm".

So is it possible to have the syllable just on the first note even if
they are bound together?

I'm afraid I don't quite understand. If the quartet note should be silent, I think you'd better write be a rest. But probably you just want to say that there is no new syllable on the tied note?

Anyway, it's important to have __ (two _, not just one). Then the result using Ro -- ter Mond __ ü -- berm is

which, to me, looks fine.


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