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Re: "Mensurstriche" (barlines between systems) and Repeat signs.

From: Aaron Hill
Subject: Re: "Mensurstriche" (barlines between systems) and Repeat signs.
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2019 07:53:53 -0800
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.8

On 2019-02-01 7:24 am, Malte Meyn wrote:
Am 01.02.19 um 14:19 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser:
On my system, this does (in 2.18.82 as well as current master), this does "the right thing", but only because of

The “right thing” only by accident:
        \defineBarLine "m" #'("||" "||" "||")
has the same effect (single Mensurstriche between the staves).

-> Warnung: Falscher Glyph m nicht bekannt. Wird ignoriert.

I should have read the output …

But I have the impression that \defineBarLine doesn't do anything at all: If I take a symbol (like "m") that's not used yet, LilyPond complains as above when using it. If I use a symbol that already is a barline ode (":" for instance), its behaviour seems to be left unchanged.

Obviously, I'm doing it wrong...?

AFAIK \defineBarLine is used only for new barlines and seems to need a
special syntax (f. e.
defines "||-dashedSpan"; this cannot be some arbitrary string but has
to start with "||-" …)

I’ll have a look into that later. Maybe one should add some simple
form of Mensurstriche to vanilla LilyPond.

"" is already a valid bar line that has an empty glyph, so just extend that one:

\version "2.19.82"

\defineBarLine "-span" #'("|" "|" "|")
\layout { \context { \Score defaultBarType = "-span" } }
\new StaffGroup << \new Staff \repeat unfold 12 b'4
                   \new Staff \repeat unfold 12 b'4 >>

-- Aaron Hill

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