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Re: aligning variables with upbeats

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: aligning variables with upbeats
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 16:34:08 +0100
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On 2019-02-07 15:08, 智樂喬 wrote:
I'm sure I'm not the first person to ask this, but I'm looking for a clean, way to align music variables which begin with partial measures. For example,

\version "2.19.82"
partA = { c'2 b | R1*3 }
partB = { \partial 4 g4 | \bar "||"  c'1 }
\score { { \partA \partB } }

In reality, there would be multiple partBs and some of them would start with a pickup and some of them wouldn't. One think I can do is explicitly shorten the end of partA so that partB lines up, but it involves some mixing of content and structure. Is there a best practice for this situation?

As illustrated by the diverse responses you already recevied, the question is what you want to achieve.

I recently typeset a Telemann suite with a number of "movements" to be played attacca, which in the original print was typeset without any separation between these movements. I then took the typesetting decision to keep it that way and used a solution more or less identical to your example above, with an additional \bar "||" \break between these parts. Thanks to the improvements introduced in Lilypond 2.19, these mid-piece \partials work smoothly. However, I could also have chosen other ways to typeset the music.

If this is a way of saving typing when typesetting music with recurring material, you might be able to use \tag to handle slight variations, such as shortening a measure that is to be followed by a pickup. Or simply leave out the bar that varies, and insert it manually between the music that's stored in variables.


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