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Re: Typesetting Tibetan with Lout: success story!

From: bert thompson
Subject: Re: Typesetting Tibetan with Lout: success story!
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 12:56:06 +1100

Congratulations on LoutTib!

On the topic of internationalization in Lout...

Are there any plans in the air to port Lout to Unicode rather than
having lots of slightly different versions for different languages?
If there is interest in Chinese, Devanagari or whatever, maybe it's
time to consider subsuming all this work into the one job.

Admittedly, getting everything right including font support is far
from trivial -- so I won't be volunteering. 8^)


|                         LoutTib v1.0 Alpha
|                           now available
|LoutTib is a tool to typeset Tibetan with Lout (batch) document
|formatter. This is an *ALPHA* release (it is only a month old). I
|wrote it as I need Tibetan excerpts in my paper. I find it useful, may
|be you'll find it useful too.
|The LoutTib distribution contains
|       o Type1 Tibetan font (modified version of Tibetan-ModernA by
|         Christopher Fynn)
|       o Transliteration utility called `louttib', that translate
|         romanized Tibetan into glyph codes.
|       o Supporting Lout code
|You can get LoutTib (gzipped tar archive) and preformatted PostScript
|documentation (A4, Tibetan font included) from
| ftp://ftp.niif.spb.su/pub/tibet/software/typeset/louttib-1.0alpha.tgz
| ftp://ftp.niif.spb.su/pub/tibet/software/typeset/louttib-doc.ps.gz
|Does this count as a success story? :-)
|This was very easy. Thou this is not a new language (yet), only
|excerpts, but it can be several pages long. Transliterator was the
|toughest thing (well, rather, routing and boring). There's only few
|lines of Lout code (shorthands for style, only for brevity).
|I know that there're people interested in adding Chinese support to
|Lout. I'm thinking about porting devanagri-1.2 for TeX (Sanskrit
|support) to Lout (low priority task).
|Does anyone else use, wants to use or plans to write Lout support for
|non-european languages?
|Best regards!
|SY, Uwe.
|address@hidden                         |       Zu Grunde kommen
|http://www.niif.spb.su/~uwe/           |       Ist zu Grunde gehen

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